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643 Works of Thomas Hardy

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Her Confession

Story type: Poetry

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As some bland soul, to whom a debtor says “I’ll now repay the amount I owe to you,” In inward gladness feigns forgetfulness That such a payment ever was his due (His long thought notwithstanding), so did I At our last meeting waive your proffered kiss With quick divergent talk of scenery nigh, By such […]

Did he who drew her in the years ago – Till now conceived creator of her grace – With telescopic sight high natures know, Discern remote in Time’s untravelled space Your soft sweet mien, your gestures, as do we, And with a copyist’s hand but set them down, Glowing yet more to dream our ecstasy […]

I thought and thought of thy crass clanging town To folly, till convinced such dreams were ill, I held my heart in bond, and tethered down Fancy to where I was, by force of will. I said: How beautiful are these flowers, this wood, One little bud is far more sweet to me Than all […]

I When the thorn on the down Quivers naked and cold, And the mid-aged and old Pace the path there to town, In these words dry and drear It seems to them sighing: “O winter is trying To sojourners here!” II When it stands fully tressed On a hot summer day, And the ewes there […]


Story type: Poetry

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I busied myself to find a sure Snug hermitage That should preserve my Love secure From the world’s rage; Where no unseemly saturnals, Or strident traffic-roars, Or hum of intervolved cabals Should echo at her doors. I laboured that the diurnal spin Of vanities Should not contrive to suck her in By dark degrees, And […]


Story type: Poetry

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Sing; how ‘a would sing! How ‘a would raise the tune When we rode in the waggon from harvesting By the light o’ the moon! Dance; how ‘a would dance! If a fiddlestring did but sound She would hold out her coats, give a slanting glance, And go round and round. Laugh; how ‘a would […]

The Spring Call

Story type: Poetry

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Down Wessex way, when spring’s a-shine, The blackbird’s “pret-ty de-urr!” In Wessex accents marked as mine Is heard afar and near. He flutes it strong, as if in song No R’s of feebler tone Than his appear in “pretty dear,” Have blackbirds ever known. Yet they pipe “prattie deerh!” I glean, Beneath a Scottish sky, […]

I wanted to marry, but father said, “No – ‘Tis weakness in women to give themselves so; If you care for your freedom you’ll listen to me, Make a spouse in your pocket, and let the men be.” I spake on’t again and again: father cried, “Why–if you go husbanding, where shall I bide? For […]

To Carrey Clavel

Story type: Poetry

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You turn your back, you turn your back, And never your face to me, Alone you take your homeward track, And scorn my company. What will you do when Charley’s seen Dewbeating down this way? – You’ll turn your back as now, you mean? Nay, Carrey Clavel, nay! You’ll see none’s looking; put your lip […]

I I pitched my day’s leazings in Crimmercrock Lane, To tie up my garter and jog on again, When a dear dark-eyed gentleman passed there and said, In a way that made all o’ me colour rose-red, “What do I see – O pretty knee!” And he came and he tied up my garter for […]

I THE BALLAD-SINGER Sing, Ballad-singer, raise a hearty tune; Make me forget that there was ever a one I walked with in the meek light of the moon When the day’s work was done. Rhyme, Ballad-rhymer, start a country song; Make me forget that she whom I loved well Swore she would love me dearly, […]

Let Me Enjoy

Story type: Poetry

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(MINOR KEY) I Let me enjoy the earth no less Because the all-enacting Might That fashioned forth its loveliness Had other aims than my delight. II About my path there flits a Fair, Who throws me not a word or sign; I’ll charm me with her ignoring air, And laud the lips not meant for […]

I One mile more is Where your door is Mother mine! – Harvest’s coming, Mills are strumming, Apples fine, And the cider made to-year will be as wine. II Yet, not viewing What’s a-doing Here around Is it thrills me, And so fills me That I bound Like a ball or leaf or lamb along […]

The Fiddler

Story type: Poetry

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The fiddler knows what’s brewing To the lilt of his lyric wiles: The fiddler knows what rueing Will come of this night’s smiles! He sees couples join them for dancing, And afterwards joining for life, He sees them pay high for their prancing By a welter of wedded strife. He twangs: “Music hails from the […]

“Can anything avail Beldame, for my hid grief? – Listen: I’ll tell the tale, It may bring faint relief! – “I came where I was not known, In hope to flee my sin; And walking forth alone A young man said, ‘Good e’en.’ “In gentle voice and true He asked to marry me; ‘You only–only […]


Story type: Poetry

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Why didn’t you say you was promised, Rose-Ann? Why didn’t you name it to me, Ere ever you tempted me hither, Rose-Ann, So often, so wearifully? O why did you let me be near ‘ee, Rose-Ann, Talking things about wedlock so free, And never by nod or by whisper, Rose-Ann, Give a hint that it […]

The Homecoming

Story type: Poetry

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Gruffly growled the wind on Toller downland broad and bare, And lonesome was the house, and dark; and few came there. “Now don’t ye rub your eyes so red; we’re home and have no cares; Here’s a skimmer-cake for supper, peckled onions, and some pears; I’ve got a little keg o’ summat strong, too, under […]

The Rash Bride

Story type: Poetry

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AN EXPERIENCE OF THE MELLSTOCK QUIRE I We Christmas-carolled down the Vale, and up the Vale, and round the Vale, We played and sang that night as we were yearly wont to do – A carol in a minor key, a carol in the major D, Then at each house: “Good wishes: many Christmas joys […]

A Church Romance

Story type: Poetry

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(MELLSTOCK circa 1835) She turned in the high pew, until her sight Swept the west gallery, and caught its row Of music-men with viol, book, and bow Against the sinking sad tower-window light. She turned again; and in her pride’s despite One strenuous viol’s inspirer seemed to throw A message from his string to her […]

The Dead Quire

Story type: Poetry

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I Beside the Mead of Memories, Where Church-way mounts to Moaning Hill, The sad man sighed his phantasies: He seems to sigh them still. II “‘Twas the Birth-tide Eve, and the hamleteers Made merry with ancient Mellstock zest, But the Mellstock quire of former years Had entered into rest. III “Old Dewy lay by the […]