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643 Works of Thomas Hardy

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My Cicely

Story type: Poetry

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(17-) “Alive?”–And I leapt in my wonder, Was faint of my joyance, And grasses and grove shone in garments Of glory to me. “She lives, in a plenteous well-being, To-day as aforehand; The dead bore the name–though a rare one – The name that bore she.” She lived . . . I, afar in the […]

A Sign-Seeker

Story type: Poetry

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I mark the months in liveries dank and dry, The noontides many-shaped and hued; I see the nightfall shades subtrude, And hear the monotonous hours clang negligently by. I view the evening bonfires of the sun On hills where morning rains have hissed; The eyeless countenance of the mist Pallidly rising when the summer droughts […]

(KHYBER PASS, 1842) A TRADITION OF J. B. L-, T. G. B-, AND J. L-. Three captains went to Indian wars, And only one returned: Their mate of yore, he singly wore The laurels all had earned. At home he sought the ancient aisle Wherein, untrumped of fame, The three had sat in pupilage, And […]

To Jenny came a gentle youth From inland leazes lone, His love was fresh as apple-blooth By Parrett, Yeo, or Tone. And duly he entreated her To be his tender minister, And call him aye her own. Fair Jenny’s life had hardly been A life of modesty; At Casterbridge experience keen Of many loves had […]

‘Twas a death-bed summons, and forth I went By the way of the Western Wall, so drear On that winter night, and sought a gate – The home, by Fate, Of one I had long held dear. And there, as I paused by her tenement, And the trees shed on me their rime and hoar, […]

Ah, child, thou art but half thy darling mother’s; Hers couldst thou wholly be, My light in thee would outglow all in others; She would relive to me. But niggard Nature’s trick of birth Bars, lest she overjoy, Renewal of the loved on earth Save with alloy. The Dame has no regard, alas, my maiden, […]

The Alarm

Story type: Poetry

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(1803) See “The Trumpet-Major” IN MEMORY OF ONE OF THE WRITER’S FAMILY WHO WAS A VOLUNTEER DURING THE WAR WITH NAPOLEON In a ferny byway Near the great South-Wessex Highway, A homestead raised its breakfast-smoke aloft; The dew-damps still lay steamless, for the sun had made no sky-way, And twilight cloaked the croft. ‘Twas hard […]

Now that my page upcloses, doomed, maybe, Never to press thy cosy cushions more, Or wake thy ready Yeas as heretofore, Or stir thy gentle vows of faith in me: Knowing thy natural receptivity, I figure that, as flambeaux banish eve, My sombre image, warped by insidious heave Of those less forthright, must lose place […]

In A Wood

Story type: Poetry

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See “THE WOODLANDERS” Pale beech and pine-tree blue, Set in one clay, Bough to bough cannot you Bide out your day? When the rains skim and skip, Why mar sweet comradeship, Blighting with poison-drip Neighbourly spray? Heart-halt and spirit-lame, City-opprest, Unto this wood I came As to a nest; Dreaming that sylvan peace Offered the […]

To M. H. We passed where flag and flower Signalled a jocund throng; We said: “Go to, the hour Is apt!”–and joined the song; And, kindling, laughed at life and care, Although we knew no laugh lay there. We walked where shy birds stood Watching us, wonder-dumb; Their friendship met our mood; We cried: “We’ll […]

Thoughts Of Phena

Story type: Poetry

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AT NEWS OF HER DEATH Not a line of her writing have I, Not a thread of her hair, No mark of her late time as dame in her dwelling, whereby I may picture her there; And in vain do I urge my unsight To conceive my lost prize At her close, whom I knew […]

To Outer Nature

Story type: Poetry

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Show thee as I thought thee When I early sought thee, Omen-scouting, All undoubting Love alone had wrought thee – Wrought thee for my pleasure, Planned thee as a measure For expounding And resounding Glad things that men treasure. O for but a moment Of that old endowment – Light to gaily See thy daily […]

Friends Beyond

Story type: Poetry

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William Dewy, Tranter Reuben, Farmer Ledlow late at plough, Robert’s kin, and John’s, and Ned’s, And the Squire, and Lady Susan, lie in Mellstock churchyard now! “Gone,” I call them, gone for good, that group of local hearts and heads; Yet at mothy curfew-tide, And at midnight when the noon-heat breathes it back from walls […]


Story type: Poetry

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When, soul in soul reflected, We breathed an aethered air, When we neglected All things elsewhere, And left the friendly friendless To keep our love aglow, We deemed it endless . . . –We did not know! When, by mad passion goaded, We planned to hie away, But, unforeboded, The storm-shafts gray So heavily down-pattered […]

The Two Men

Story type: Poetry

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There were two youths of equal age, Wit, station, strength, and parentage; They studied at the selfsame schools, And shaped their thoughts by common rules. One pondered on the life of man, His hopes, his ending, and began To rate the Market’s sordid war As something scarce worth living for. “I’ll brace to higher aims,” […]

As evening shaped I found me on a moor Which sight could scarce sustain: The black lean land, of featureless contour, Was like a tract in pain. “This scene, like my own life,” I said, “is one Where many glooms abide; Toned by its fortune to a deadly dun – Lightless on every side. I […]

FOR A. W. B. She sought the Studios, beckoning to her side An arch-designer, for she planned to build. He was of wise contrivance, deeply skilled In every intervolve of high and wide – Well fit to be her guide. “Whatever it be,” Responded he, With cold, clear voice, and cold, clear view, “In true […]

They had long met o’ Zundays–her true love and she – And at junketings, maypoles, and flings; But she bode wi’ a thirtover uncle, and he Swore by noon and by night that her goodman should be Naibour Sweatley–a gaffer oft weak at the knee From taking o’ sommat more cheerful than tea – Who […]

The years have gathered grayly Since I danced upon this leaze With one who kindled gaily Love’s fitful ecstasies! But despite the term as teacher, I remain what I was then In each essential feature Of the fantasies of men. Yet I note the little chisel Of never-napping Time, Defacing ghast and grizzel The blazon […]

The Slow Nature

Story type: Poetry

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(AN INCIDENT OF FROOM VALLEY) “Thy husband–poor, poor Heart!–is dead– Dead, out by Moreford Rise; A bull escaped the barton-shed, Gored him, and there he lies!” – “Ha, ha–go away! ‘Tis a tale, methink, Thou joker Kit!” laughed she. “I’ve known thee many a year, Kit Twink, And ever hast thou fooled me!” – “But, […]