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643 Works of Thomas Hardy

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Change and chancefulness in my flowering youthtime, Set me sun by sun near to one unchosen; Wrought us fellow-like, and despite divergence, Friends interlinked us. “Cherish him can I while the true one forthcome – Come the rich fulfiller of my prevision; Life is roomy yet, and the odds unbounded.” So self-communed I. Thwart my […]

She, To Him–III

Story type: Poetry

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I will be faithful to thee; aye, I will! And Death shall choose me with a wondering eye That he did not discern and domicile One his by right ever since that last Good-bye! I have no care for friends, or kin, or prime Of manhood who deal gently with me here; Amid the happy […]

She, To Him–II

Story type: Poetry

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Perhaps, long hence, when I have passed away, Some other’s feature, accent, thought like mine, Will carry you back to what I used to say, And bring some memory of your love’s decline. Then you may pause awhile and think, “Poor jade!” And yield a sigh to me–as ample due, Not as the tittle of […]

She, To Him–I

Story type: Poetry

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When you shall see me in the toils of Time, My lauded beauties carried off from me, My eyes no longer stars as in their prime, My name forgot of Maiden Fair and Free; When in your being heart concedes to mind, And judgment, though you scarce its process know, Recalls the excellencies I once […]


Story type: Poetry

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Though I waste watches framing words to fetter Some spirit to mine own in clasp and kiss, Out of the night there looms a sense ’twere better To fail obtaining whom one fails to miss. For winning love we win the risk of losing, And losing love is as one’s life were riven; It cuts […]

Her Dilemma

Story type: Poetry

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(IN — CHURCH) The two were silent in a sunless church, Whose mildewed walls, uneven paving-stones, And wasted carvings passed antique research; And nothing broke the clock’s dull monotones. Leaning against a wormy poppy-head, So wan and worn that he could scarcely stand, – For he was soon to die,–he softly said, “Tell me you […]

Her Initials

Story type: Poetry

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Upon a poet’s page I wrote Of old two letters of her name; Part seemed she of the effulgent thought Whence that high singer’s rapture came. – When now I turn the leaf the same Immortal light illumes the lay, But from the letters of her name The radiance has died away! 1869.

They bear him to his resting-place – In slow procession sweeping by; I follow at a stranger’s space; His kindred they, his sweetheart I. Unchanged my gown of garish dye, Though sable-sad is their attire; But they stand round with griefless eye, Whilst my regret consumes like fire! 187-.

“Si le marechal Grouchy avait ete rejoint par l’officier que Napoleon lui avait expedie la veille a dix heures du soir, toute question eut disparu. Mais cet officier n’etait point parvenu a sa destination, ainsi que le marechal n’a cesse de l’affirmer toute sa vie, et il faut l’en croire, car autrement il n’aurait eu […]

Neutral Tones

Story type: Poetry

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We stood by a pond that winter day, And the sun was white, as though chidden of God, And a few leaves lay on the starving sod, –They had fallen from an ash, and were gray. Your eyes on me were as eyes that rove Over tedious riddles solved years ago; And some words played […]

The Burghers

Story type: Poetry

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(17-) The sun had wheeled from Grey’s to Dammer’s Crest, And still I mused on that Thing imminent: At length I sought the High-street to the West. The level flare raked pane and pediment And my wrecked face, and shaped my nearing friend Like one of those the Furnace held unshent. “I’ve news concerning her,” […]


Story type: Poetry

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(1813) Scene: The Master-tradesmen’s Parlour at the Old Ship Inn, Casterbridge. Evening. “Old Norbert with the flat blue cap– A German said to be – Why let your pipe die on your lap, Your eyes blink absently?” – – “Ah! . . . Well, I had thought till my cheek was wet Of my mother–her […]

(As sung by MR. CHARLES CHARRINGTON in the play of “The Three Wayfarers”) O my trade it is the rarest one, Simple shepherds all – My trade is a sight to see; For my customers I tie, and take ’em up on high, And waft ’em to a far countree! My tools are but common […]

San Sebastian

Story type: Poetry

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(August 1813) WITH THOUGHTS OF SERGEANT M- (PENSIONER), WHO DIED 185-. “Why, Sergeant, stray on the Ivel Way, As though at home there were spectres rife? From first to last ’twas a proud career! And your sunny years with a gracious wife Have brought you a daughter dear. “I watched her to-day; a more comely […]


Story type: Poetry

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(1793) BY CORP’L TULLIDGE: see “The Trumpet-Major” IN MEMORY OF S. C. (PENSIONER). DIED 184- We trenched, we trumpeted and drummed, And from our mortars tons of iron hummed Ath’art the ditch, the month we bombed The Town o’ Valencieen. ‘Twas in the June o’ Ninety-dree (The Duke o’ Yark our then Commander been) The […]

(1803) When Lawyers strive to heal a breach, And Parsons practise what they preach; Then Little Boney he’ll pounce down, And march his men on London town! Rollicum-rorum, tol-lol-lorum, Rollicum-rorum, tol-lol-lay! When Justices hold equal scales, And Rogues are only found in jails; Then Little Boney he’ll pounce down, And march his men on London […]


Story type: Poetry

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(E. L G.) Beneath a knap where flown Nestlings play, Within walls of weathered stone, Far away From the files of formal houses, By the bough the firstling browses, Lives a Sweet: no merchants meet, No man barters, no man sells Where she dwells. Upon that fabric fair “Here is she!” Seems written everywhere Unto […]

The Ivy-Wife

Story type: Poetry

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I longed to love a full-boughed beech And be as high as he: I stretched an arm within his reach, And signalled unity. But with his drip he forced a breach, And tried to poison me. I gave the grasp of partnership To one of other race– A plane: he barked him strip by strip […]

She, To Him–IV

Story type: Poetry

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This love puts all humanity from me; I can but maledict her, pray her dead, For giving love and getting love of thee – Feeding a heart that else mine own had fed! How much I love I know not, life not known, Save as some unit I would add love by; But this I […]

Her Immortality

Story type: Poetry

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Upon a noon I pilgrimed through A pasture, mile by mile, Unto the place where I last saw My dead Love’s living smile. And sorrowing I lay me down Upon the heated sod: It seemed as if my body pressed The very ground she trod. I lay, and thought; and in a trance She came […]