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293 Works of T S Arthur

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How To Avoid A Quarrel

Story type: Literature

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“Here! lend me your knife, Bill; I’ve left mine in the house,” said Edgar Harris to his younger brother. He spoke in a rude voice, and his manner was imperative. “No, I won’t! Go and get your own knife,” replied William, in a tone quite as ungracious as that in which the request, or rather […]

I. Our tasks are all done, come away! come away! For a right merry time–for a Saturday play. See! the bright sun is shining right bravely on high; Make haste, or he’ll soon be half over the sky. Come! first with our sleds down the glassy hill side, And then on our skates o’er the […]

“Come, Rover!” said Harry, as he passed a fine old Newfoundland dog that lay on a mat at the door; “come, Rover! I am going down to the river to sail my boat, and I want you to go with me.” Rover opened his large eyes, and looked lazily at his little master. “Come! Rover! […]

Something Wrong

Story type: Literature

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What’s the matter here? There is something wrong. It is clear that the little boy in the picture is not receiving kind treatment at the hands of his sister. But what is she doing to him? Not pulling his ear, we hope. Something is wrong; what can it be? We must try and make it […]

The Mine

Story type: Literature

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There are three kingdoms in nature–the Mineral kingdom, the Vegetable kingdom, and the Animal kingdom–the former for the sake of the latter, and all for the sake of man. Without the Vegetable kingdom animals could not exist, and without the Mineral kingdom vegetables could not exist. It is also worthy of remark, that in all […]

The Miner

Story type: Poetry

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Down where the daylight never comes Toileth the miner on; He sees not the golden morning break– He sees not the setting sun. Dimly his lamp in the dark vault burns, And he sits on the miner’s hard floor, Toiling, toiling, toiling on; Toiling for precious ore! The air is wet; for the dew and […]

A Picture

Story type: Literature

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What have we here? That kind-looking old gentleman must have something for these children; his hand is in his pocket, and they are all gathering around him. I wonder who he is, and what he is going to give them? “He’s their uncle, may be.” “Or their grandfather.” “Or somebody else that is kind to […]

What Shall We Build?

Story type: Literature

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Four children were playing on the sea-shore. They had gathered bright pebbles and beautiful shells, and written their names in the pure, white sand; but at last, tired of their sport, they were about going home, when one of them, as they came to a pile of stones, cried out: “Oh! let us build a […]

A Noble Act

Story type: Literature

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“What have you there, boys?” asked Captain Bland. “A ship,” replied one of the lads who were passing the captain’s neat cottage. “A ship! Let me see;” and the captain took the little vessel, and examined it with as much fondness as a child does a pretty toy. “Very fair, indeed; who made it?” “I […]

William Baker, and his brother Thomas and sister Ellen, were playing on the green lawn in front of their mother’s door, when a lad named Henry Green came along the road, and seeing the children enjoying themselves, opened the gate and came in. He was rather an ill-natured boy, and generally took more pleasure in […]

Temptation Resisted

Story type: Literature

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Charles Murray left home, with his books in his satchel, for school. Before starting, he kissed his little sister, and patted Juno on the head, and as he went singing away, he felt as happy as any little boy could wish to feel. Charles was a good-tempered lad, but he had the fault common to […]

Evening Prayer

Story type: Poetry

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Heavenly Father! Through the day, Have we wandered from thy way? Have our thoughts to error turned? Has within us evil burned? Heavenly Father! Oh, remove Evil thoughts and evil love! Give us truth our minds to fill; Give us strength to do thy will. Often we are led astray From the true and righteous […]

A Day In The Woods

Story type: Literature

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“School!” said Richard White, to himself; “School! I don’t want to go to school. Why am I sent to school every day? What good is there in learning grammar, and arithmetic, and geography, and all them things? I don’t like school, and I never did.” “Dick!” called out a voice; and the lad, who had […]

Emma’s aunt had given her a sixpence, and now the question was, what should she buy with it? “I’ll you what I will do, mother,” she said, changing her mind for the tenth time. “Well, dear, what have you determined upon now?” “I’ll save my sixpence until I get a good many more, and then […]

Let Her Pout It Out

Story type: Literature

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I HOPE there is no coolness between you and Maria,” said Mrs. Appleton to her young friend, Louisa Graham, one evening at a social party. “I have not seen you together once to-night; and just now she passed without speaking, or even looking at you.” “Oh, as to that,” replied Louisa, tossing her head with […]

MY friend Peyton was what is called a “fine, generous fellow.” He valued money only as a means of obtaining what he desired, and was always ready to spend it with an acquaintance for mutual gratification. Of course, he was a general favourite. Every one spoke well of him, and few hesitated to give his […]

Taking It For Granted

Story type: Literature

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MR. EVERTON was the editor and publisher of the—-Journal, and, like too many occupying his position, was not on the best terms in the world with certain of his contemporaries of the same city. One morning, on opening the paper from a rival office, he found an article therein, which appeared as a communication, that […]

I Knew How It Would Be

Story type: Literature

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“HE’LL never succeed!” was the remark of Mr. Hueston, on reference being made to a young man named Eldridge, who had recently commenced business. “Why not?” was asked. “He’s begun wrong.” “In what way?” “His connection is bad.” “With Dalton?” “Yes. Dalton is either a knave or a fool. The former, I believe; but in […]

JACOB JONES was clerk in a commission store at a salary of five hundred dollars a year. He was just twenty-two, and had been receiving his salary for two years. Jacob had no one to care for but himself; but, somehow or other, it happened that he did not lay up any money, but, instead, […]

IT happened sometime within the last ten or fifteen years, that, in my way through this troublesome world, I became captivated with the idea of starting a newspaper. That I had some talent for scribbling, I was vain enough to believe, and my estimate of the ability I possessed was sufficiently high to induce me […]