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293 Works of T S Arthur

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The Love Secret

Story type: Literature

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“EDWARD is to be in London next week,” said Mrs. Ravensworth; “and I trust, Edith, that you will meet him with the frankness he is entitled to receive.” Edith Hamilton, who stood behind the chair of her aunt, did not make any answer. Mrs. Ravensworth continued–“Edward’s father was your father’s own brother. A man of […]

MR. EDGAR was a money-lender, and scrupled not in exacting the highest “street rates” of interest that could be obtained. If good paper were offered, and he could buy it from the needy seeker of cash at two or even three per cent. a month, he did not hesitate about the transaction on any scruples […]

Engaged At Sixteen

Story type: Literature

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“MRS. LEE is quite fortunate with her daughters,” remarked a visitor to Mrs. Wyman, whose oldest child, a well grown girl of fifteen, was sitting by. “Yes; Kate and Harriet went off in good time. She has only Fanny left.” “Who is to be married this winter.” “Fanny?” “She is engaged to Henry Florence.” “Indeed! […]

The Daughter

Story type: Literature

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IT often happens that a daughter possesses greatly superior advantages to those enjoyed, in early years, by either her father or mother. She is not compelled to labour as hard as they were obliged to labour when young; and she is blessed with the means of education far beyond what they had. Her associations, too, […]

“IT is too bad, Rachael, to put me to all this trouble; and you know I can hardly hold up my head!” Thus spoke Mrs. Smith, in a peevish voice, to a quiet-looking domestic, who had been called up from the kitchen to supply some unimportant omission in the breakfast-table arrangement. Rachael looked hurt and […]


Story type: Essay

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[We make the following extract from one of our books–“Advice to Young Men on their Duties and Conduct in Life.”] IF you have younger sisters, who are just entering society, all your interest should be awakened for them. You cannot but have seen some little below the surface, and already made the discovery that too […]


Story type: Literature

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SOCIETY is marked by greater and smaller divisions, as into nations, communities, and families. A man is a member of the commonwealth, a smaller community, as a hamlet or city, and his family at the same time; and the more perfectly all his duties to his family are discharged, the more fully does he discharge […]

The Two Systems

Story type: Literature

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“IT’S no use to talk; I can’t do it. The idea of punishing a child in cold blood makes me shiver all over. I certainly think that, in the mind of any one who can do it, there must be a latent vein of cruelty.” This remark was made by Mrs. Stanley to her friend […]

The Evening Prayer

Story type: Literature

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“Our Father.” “OUR Father.” The mother’s voice was low, and tender, and solemn. “Our Father.” On two sweet voices the words were borne upward. It was the innocence of reverent childhood that gave them utterance. “Who art in the heavens.” “Who art in the heavens,” repeated the children, one with her eyes bent meekly down, […]

“COME, Henry,” said Blanche Armour to her brother, who had seemed unusually silent and thoughtful since tea time,–“I want you to read while I make this cap for ma.” “Excuse me, Blanche, if you please, I don’t feel like reading to-night,” the brother replied, shading his face both from the light and the penetrating glance […]

The Home Of Taste

Story type: Literature

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THERE are three words, in the utterance of which more power over the feelings is gained than in the utterance of any other words in the language. These are “Mother,” “Home,” and “Heaven.” Each appeals to a different emotion–each bears influence over the heart from the cradle to the grave.–And just in the degree that […]

Kate’s Experiment

Story type: Literature

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KATE HARBELL, a high-spirited girl, who had a pretty strong will of her own, was about being married. Like a great many others of her age and sex who approach the matrimonial altar, Kate’s notions of the marriage relation were not the clearest in the world. Ferdinand Lee, the betrothed of Kate, a quiet, sensitive […]

"My Fortune’s Made"

Story type: Literature

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My young friend, Cora Lee, was a gay, dashing girl, fond of dress, and looking always as if, to use a common saying, just out of a bandbox. Cora was a belle, of course, and had many admirers. Among the number of these, was a young man named Edward Douglass, who was the very “pink” […]

The Good Match

Story type: Literature

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“MY heart is now at rest,” remarked Mrs. Presstman to her sister, Mrs. Markland. “Florence has done so well. The match is such a good one.” Mrs. Presstman spoke with animation, but her sister’s countenance remained rather grave. “Mr. Barker is worth at least eighty thousand dollars,” resumed Mrs. Presstman. “And my husband says, that […]

The Social Serpent

Story type: Literature

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A LADY, whom we will call Mrs. Harding, touched with the destitute condition of a poor, sick widow, who had three small children, determined, from an impulse of true humanity, to awaken, if possible, in the minds of some friends and neighbours, an interest in her favour. She made a few calls, one morning, with […]

The Young Mother

Story type: Literature

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[The following brief passage is from our story, “The Wife,” in the series “Maiden,” “Wife,” and “Mother.”] A NEW chord vibrated in Anna’s heart, and the music was sweeter far in her spirit’s ear, than any before heard. She was changed. Suddenly she felt that she was a new creature. Her breast was filled with […]

The Gentle Warning

Story type: Literature

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“Do not accept the offer, Florence,” said her friend Carlotti. A shade of disappointment went over the face of the fair girl, who had just communicated the pleasing fact that she had received an offer of marriage. “You cannot be happy as the wife of Herman Leland,” added Carlotti. “How little do you know this […]

The Step-Mother

Story type: Literature

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THERE are few positions in social life of greater trial and responsibility than that of a step-mother; and it too rarely happens that the woman who assumes this position, is fitted for the right discharge of its duties. In far too many cases, the widower is accepted as a husband because he has a home, […]

“TOM! Here!” said a father to his boy, speaking in tones of authority. The lad was at play. He looked toward his father, but did not leave his companions. “Do you hear me, sir?” spoke the father, more sternly than at first. With an unhappy face and reluctant step, the boy left his play and […]

Bear And Forbear

Story type: Literature

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“DON’T talk to me in such a serious strain, Aunt Hannah. One would really think, from what you say, that James and I would quarrel before we were married a month.” “Not so soon as that, Maggy dear. Heaven grant that it may not come so soon as that! But, depend upon it, child, if […]