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293 Works of T S Arthur

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Rights And Wrongs

Story type: Literature

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IT is a little singular–yet certainly true–that people who are very tenacious of their own rights, and prompt in maintaining them, usually have rather vague notions touching the rights of others. Like the too eager merchant, in securing their own, they are very apt to get a little more than belongs to them. Mrs. Barbara […]

Going Home

Story type: Literature

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“IT’S nearly a year, now, since I was home,” said Lucy Gray to her husband, “and so you must let me go for a few weeks.” They had been married some four or five years, and never had been separated, during that time, for twenty-four hours at a time. “I thought you called this your […]

“I DECLARE, if these preserves haven’t been working!” exclaimed Aunt Mary, as she opened a jar of choice quinces, and perceived that, since they were sealed up and carefully stored for the winter, fermentation had taken place. “And the peaches, too, as I live!” she added on examining another jar. “Run, Hannah, and bring me […]

Home At Last

Story type: Literature

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“WE’RE home at last, and I am so glad!” exclaimed a little girl, not over ten years of age, as she paused at twilight with her mother before a small and mean-looking house, one evening late in the month of November. The mother did not reply, but lifted the latch, when both passed in. There […]

Jessie Hampton

Story type: Literature

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“WHAT are you doing here, miss?” The young girl thus addressed was sitting by a centre-table, upon which stood a lamp, in a handsomely furnished drawing-room. She laid aside the book she was reading, and, without making any reply, rose up quickly and retired. Two or three persons, members of the family, were present. All […]

The New Year’s Gift

Story type: Literature

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“JUST four weeks off,” said a little boy, striking his hands together, “and papa will be home!” “Yes, four weeks more, and we shall see dear father. It will be the happiest New Year’s day we ever had; won’t it, mother?” said the little boy’s sister, a bright smile playing over her face. “I hope […]

Taking Boarders

Story type: Literature

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CHAPTER I. A LADY, past the prime of life, sat thoughtful, as twilight fell duskily around her, in a room furnished with great elegance. That her thoughts were far from being pleasant, the sober, even sad expression of her countenance too clearly testified. She was dressed in deep mourning. A faint sigh parted her lips […]

“Do you know of any poor body who does plain sewing?” asked Mrs. Lander of a neighbour upon whom she called for the particular purpose of making this inquiry. “I have a good deal of work that I want done, and I always like to give my plain sewing to people that need it.” “I […]

MR. LAWSON, the tailor, was considered a very good member of society. He was industrious, paid what he owed, was a kind husband and father and a pleasant and considerate neighbour. He was, moreover, attached to the church, and, by his brethren in the faith, considered a pious and good man. And, to say the […]

A Lesson Of Patience

Story type: Literature

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I WAS very unhappy, from a variety of causes, definable and undefinable. My chambermaid had been cross for a week, and, by talking to my cook, had made her dissatisfied with her place. The mother of five little children, I felt that I had a weight of care and responsibility greater than I could support. […]

AND first, let us speak to the young husband, in the words of the author of that excellent little volume, “A Whisper to a Newly-Married Pair.” ‘Earnestly endeavour to obtain among your acquaintance the character of a good husband; and abhor that would-be wit, which I have sometimes seen practised among men of the world–a […]

“I allude to that false and contemptible kind of decision which we term obstinacy;–a stubbornness of temper which can assign no reasons but mere will, for a constancy which acts in the nature of dead weight, rather than strength-resembling less the reaction of a powerful spring, than the gravitation of a big stone.” FOSTER’S ESSAYS. […]

“These summer wings Have borne me in my days of idle pleasure; I do discard them.” “And, Benedick, love on; I will requite thee, Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand.” WE have a young relative, about whom we are going to relate a little anecdote connected with insect history, which requires, however, a […]

THE following passages from the diary of a young English wife may be read with profit here. The lesson taught is well worth treasuring in the memory. May 1.–Just three months to-day since William and I were married. What a happy time it has been, and how quickly it has passed! I am determined to […]


Story type: Literature

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TRULY hath the poet said that, “Trifles swell the sum of human happiness and woe.” Our highest and holiest aspirations, our purest and warmest affections, are frequently called forth by what in itself may be deemed of trivial importance. The fragrant breath of a flower, the passing song of the merry milk-maid, a soothing word […]

Domestic Happiness

Story type: Literature

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THERE are certain pairs of old-fashioned-looking pictures, in black frames generally, and most commonly glazed with greenish and crooked crown glass, to be occasionally met with in brokers’ shops, or more often, perhaps, on cottage walls, and sometimes in the dingy, smoky parlour of a village tavern or ale-house, which said pictures contain and exhibit […]

OUR married life had commenced, and this was HOME. As I opened my eyes in our new abode, the rays of the morning sun were penetrating the muslin curtains, the air was, fill with the fragrance of mignionette, and in the adjoining room I heard a loved voice warbling my favourite air. On the different […]

IN his “Dream Life,” Ik Marvel thus pleasantly sketches the lover and the husband:– You grow unusually amiable and kind; you are earnest in your search of friends; you shake hands with your office boy, as if he were your second cousin. You joke cheerfully with the stout washerwoman; and give her a shilling overchange, […]

OH! ask not a home in the mansions of pride, Where marble shines out in the pillars and walls; Though the roof be of gold, it is brilliantly cold, And joy may not be found in its torch-lighted halls. But seek for a bosom all honest and true, Where love once awakened will never depart; […]

Fannie’s Bridal

Story type: Literature

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PART I. IT was to be a quiet wedding. Fannie would have it so; only his relations. She, poor thing, was an orphan, and only spirit-parents could hover around her on this great era of her life. The bride entered the large, sunny parlour, leaning upon the arm of her stately husband. Her white lace […]