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293 Works of T S Arthur

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Jenny Lawson

Story type: Literature

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CHAPTER I. MARK CLIFFORD had come up from New York to spend a few weeks with his maternal grandfather, Mr. Lofton, who lived almost alone on his beautiful estate a few miles from the Hudson, amid the rich valleys of Orange county. Mr. Lofton belonged to one of the oldest families in the country, and […]

DAY after day I worked at my life-task, and worked in an earnest spirit. Not much did I seem to accomplish; yet the little that was done had on it the impress of good. Still, I was dissatisfied, because my gifts were less dazzling than those of which many around me could boast. When I […]

The Book Of Memory

Story type: Literature

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CHAPTER I. “THERE is a book of record in your mind, Edwin,” said an old man to his young friend, “a book of record, in which every act of your life is noted down. Each morning a blank page is turned, on which the day’s history is written in lines that cannot be effaced. This […]

Very Poor

Story type: Literature

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“WHAT has become of the Wightmans?” I asked of my old friend Payson. I had returned to my native place after an absence of several years. Payson looked grave. “Nothing wrong with them, I hope. Wightman was a clever man, and he had a pleasant family.” My friend shook his head ominously. “He was doing […]

Something For A Cold

Story type: Literature

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“Henry,” said Mr. Green to his little son Henry, a lad in his eighth year, “I want you to go to the store for me.” Mr. Green was a working-man, who lived in a comfortable cottage, which he had built from money earned from honest industry. He was, moreover, a sober, kind-hearted man, well liked […]

Making A Sensation

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“Do you intend going to Mrs. Walshingham’s party, next week, Caroline?” asked Miss Melvina Fenton of her friend Caroline Gay. “It is said that it will be a splendid affair.” “I have not made up my mind, Melvina.” “O you’ll go of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” “I am much inclined to […]

Common People

Story type: Literature

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“ARE you going to call upon Mrs. Clayton and her daughters, Mrs. Marygold?” asked a neighbor, alluding to a family that had just moved into Sycamore Row. “No, indeed, Mrs. Lemmington, that I am not. I don’t visit everybody.” “I thought the Claytons were a very respectable family,” remarked Mrs. Lemmington. “Respectable! Everybody is getting […]

Helping The Poor

Story type: Literature

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“I’M on a begging expedition,” said Mr. Jonas, as he came bustling into the counting-room of a fellow merchant named Prescott. “And, as you are a benevolent man, I hope to get at least five dollars here in aid of a family in extremely indigent circumstances. My wife heard of them yesterday; and the little […]

“JOHN THOMAS!” Mr. Belknap spoke in a firm, rather authoritative voice. It was evident that he anticipated some reluctance on the boy’s part, and therefore, assumed, in the outset, a very decided manner. John Thomas, a lad between twelve and thirteen years of age, was seated on the doorstep, reading. A slight movement of the […]

“FIFTY-FIVE cents a yard, I believe you said?” The customer was opening her purse. Now fifty cents a yard was the price of the goods, and so Mr. Levering had informed the lady. She misunderstood him, however. In the community, Mr. Levering had the reputation of being a conscientious, high-minded man. He knew that he […]

Following The Fashions

Story type: Literature

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“WHAT is this?” asked Henry Grove of his sister Mary, lifting, as he spoke, a print from the centre-table. “A fashion plate,” was the quiet reply. “A fashion plate? What in the name of wonder, are you doing with a fashion plate?” “To see what the fashions are.” “And what then?” “To follow them, of […]

The Fatal Error

Story type: Literature

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“CLINTON!” said Margaret Hubert, with a look of supreme contempt. Don’t speak of him to me, Lizzy. His very name is an offence to my ears!” and the lady’s whole manner became disturbed. “He will be at the ball to-night, of course, and will renew his attentions,” said the friend, in an earnest, yet quiet […]

Visiting As Neighbors

Story type: Literature

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“I see that the house next door has been taken,” remarked Mr. Leland to his wife, as they sat alone one pleasant summer evening. “Yes. The family moved in to-day,” returned Mrs. Leland. “Do you know their name?” “It is Halloran.” “Halloran, Halloran,” said Mr. Leland, musingly. “I wonder if it’s the same family that […]

Not At Home

Story type: Literature

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JONAS BEBEE has one merit, if he possesses no other, and that is, the merit of being able to make himself completely at home with all his friends, male or female, high or low, rich or poor, under any and all circumstances. His good opinion of himself leaves no room for his imagination to conceive […]

The Two Husbands

Story type: Literature

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“Jane, how can you tolerate that dull, spiritless creature? I never sat by his side for five minutes, without getting sleepy.” “He does not seem so very dull to me, Cara,” replied her companion. “It is a true saying, that there never was a Jack without a Jill; but I could not have believed that […]

The Mother’s Promise

Story type: Literature

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A LADY, handsomely dressed, was about leaving her house to make a few calls, when a little boy ran out from the nursery, and clasping one of her gloved hands in both of his, looked up into her face with a glance of winning entreaty, saying, as he did so: “Mamma! dear mamma! Won’t you […]

“WAS N’T that young Sanford?” asked Mrs. Larkin of her husband, as the two stood at a window of their dwelling one Sunday afternoon, noticing the passers by. The individual she alluded to was a young man who had ridden gaily along on a spirited horse. “Yes,” was the reply. “He rides past here almost […]

Both To Blame

Story type: Literature

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“OF course, both are to blame.” “Of course. You may always set that down as certain when you see two persons who have formerly been on good terms fall out with each other. For my part, I never take sides in these matters. I listen to what both have to say, and make due allowance […]

Romance And Reality

Story type: Literature

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“I MET with a most splendid girl last evening,” remarked to his friend a young man, whose fine, intellectual forehead, and clear bright eye, gave indications of more than ordinary mental endowments. “Who is she?” was the friend’s brief question. “Her name is Adelaide Merton. Have you ever seen her?” “No, but I have often […]

The Humbled Pharisee

Story type: Literature

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“WHAT was that?” exclaimed Mrs. Andrews, to the lady who was seated next to her, as a single strain of music vibrated for a few moments on the atmosphere. “A violin, I suppose,” was answered. “A violin!” An expression almost of horror came into the countenance of Mrs. Andrews. “It can’t be possible.” It was […]