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4 Works of Sydney Smith

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1. Whitelaw’s History of the City of Dublin. 4to. Cadell and Davies. 2. Observations on the State of Ireland, principally directed to its Agriculture and Rural Population; in a Series of Letters written on a Tour through that Country. In 2 vols. By J. C. Curwen, Esq., M.P. London, 1818. 3. Gamble’s Views of Society […]

Historical Apology for The Irish Catholics. By WILLIAM PARNELL, Esquire. Fitzpatrick, Dublin. 1807. If ever a nation exhibited symptoms of downright madness, or utter stupidity, we conceive these symptoms may be easily recognised in the conduct of this country upon the Catholic question. A man has a wound in his great toe, and a violent […]

[Memoirs of Captain Rock, the celebrated Irish Chieftain; with some Account of his Ancestors. Written by Himself. Fourth Edition. 12mo. London, 1824.] This agreeable and witty book is generally supposed to have been written by Mr. Thomas Moore, a gentleman of small stature, but full of genius, and a steady friend of all that is […]

LETTERS ON THE SUBJECT OF THE CATHOLICS.TO MY BROTHER ABRAHAM,WHO LIVES IN THE COUNTRY.BY PETER PLYMLEY. LETTER I. Dear Abraham,–A worthier and better man than yourself does not exist; but I have always told you, from the time of our boyhood, that you were a bit of a goose. Your parochial affairs are governed with […]