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66 Works of Siegfried Sassoon

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At Carnoy

Story type: Poetry

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Down in the hollow there’s the whole Brigade Camped in four groups: through twilight falling slow I hear a sound of mouth-organs, ill-played, And murmur of voices, gruff, confused, and low. Crouched among thistle-tufts I’ve watched the glow Of a blurred orange sunset flare and fade; And I’m content. To-morrow we must go To take […]

Trudging by Corbie Ridge one winter’s night, (Unless old, hearsay memories tricked his sight), Along the pallid edge of the quiet sky He watched a nosing lorry grinding on, And straggling files of men; when these were gone, A double limber and six mules went by, Hauling the rations up through ruts and mud To […]

The Road

Story type: Poetry

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The road is thronged with women; soldiers pass And halt, but never see them; yet they’re here– A patient crowd along the sodden grass, Silent, worn out with waiting, sick with fear. The road goes crawling up a long hillside, All ruts and stones and sludge, and the emptied dregs Of battle thrown in heaps. […]

Before The Battle

Story type: Poetry

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Music of whispering trees Hushed by the broad-winged breeze Where shaken water gleams; And evening radiance falling With reedy bird-notes calling. O bear me safe through dark, you low-voiced streams. I have no need to pray That fear may pass away; I scorn the growl and rumble of the fight That summons me from cool […]

The Hero

Story type: Poetry

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“Jack fell as he’d have wished,” the Mother said, And folded up the letter that she’d read. “The Colonel writes so nicely.” Something broke In the tired voice that quavered to a choke. She half looked up. “We mothers are so proud Of our dead soldiers.” Then her face was bowed. Quietly the Brother Officer […]

"In The Pink"

Story type: Poetry

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So Davies wrote: “This leaves me in the pink.” Then scrawled his name: “Your loving sweetheart, Willie.” With crosses for a hug. He’d had a drink Of rum and tea; and, though the barn was chilly, For once his blood ran warm; he had pay to spend. Winter was passing; soon the year would mend. […]

I’d been on duty from two till four. I went and stared at the dug-out door. Down in the frowst I heard them snore. “Stand-to!” Somebody grunted and swore. Dawn was misty; the skies were still; Larks were singing, discordant, shrill; They seemed happy; but I felt ill. Deep in water I splashed my way […]

A Working Party

Story type: Poetry

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Three hours ago he blundered up the trench, Sliding and poising, groping with his boots; Sometimes he tripped and lurched against the walls With hands that pawed the sodden bags of chalk. He couldn’t see the man who walked in front; Only he heard the drum and rattle of feet Stepping along the trench-boards,–often splashing […]

The Redeemer

Story type: Poetry

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Darkness: the rain sluiced down; the mire was deep; It was past twelve on a mid-winter night, When peaceful folk in beds lay snug asleep: There, with much work to do before the light, We lugged our clay-sucked boots as best we might Along the trench; sometimes a bullet sang, And droning shells burst with […]


Story type: Poetry

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Have you forgotten yet?… For the world’s events have rumbled on since those gagged days, Like traffic checked awhile at the crossing of city ways: And the haunted gap in your mind has filled with thoughts that flow Like clouds in the lit heavens of life; and you’re a man reprieved to go, Taking your […]

Everyone Sang

Story type: Poetry

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Everyone suddenly burst out singing; And I was filled with such delight As prisoned birds must find in freedom Winging wildly across the white Orchards and dark green fields; on; on; and out of sight. Everyone’s voice was suddenly lifted, And beauty came like the setting sun. My heart was shaken with tears and horror […]

Memorial Tablet

Story type: Poetry

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(GREAT WAR) Squire nagged and bullied till I went to fight (Under Lord Derby’s scheme). I died in hell– (They called it Passchendaele); my wound was slight, And I was hobbling back, and then a shell Burst slick upon the duck-boards; so I fell Into the bottomless mud, and lost the light. In sermon-time, while […]

The Death-Bed

Story type: Poetry

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He drowsed and was aware of silence heaped Round him, unshaken as the steadfast walls; Aqueous like floating rays of amber light, Soaring and quivering in the wings of sleep,– Silence and safety; and his mortal shore Lipped by the inward, moonless waves of death. Some one was holding water to his mouth. He swallowed, […]

A Letter Home

Story type: Poetry

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(To Robert Graves) I Here I’m sitting in the gloom Of my quiet attic room. France goes rolling all around, Fledged with forest May has crowned. And I puff my pipe, calm-hearted, Thinking how the fighting started, Wondering when we’ll ever end it, Back to Hell with Kaiser send it, Gag the noise, pack up […]


Story type: Poetry

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When you are standing at your hero’s grave, Or near some homeless village where he died, Remember, through your heart’s rekindling pride, The German soldiers who were loyal and brave. Men fought like brutes; and hideous things were done: And you have nourished hatred, harsh and blind. But in that Golgotha perhaps you’ll find The […]

Concert Party

Story type: Poetry

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(EGYPTIAN BASE CAMP) They are gathering round … Out of the twilight; over the grey-blue sand, Shoals of low-jargoning men drift inward to the sound,– The jangle and throb of a piano … tum-ti-tum … Drawn by a lamp, they come Out of the glimmering lines of their tents, over the shuffling sand. O sing […]

(ALEXANDRIA-MARSEILLES) Out in the blustering darkness, on the deck A gleam of stars looks down. Long blurs of black, The lean Destroyers, level with our track, Plunging and stealing, watch the perilous way Through backward racing seas and caverns of chill spray. One sentry by the davits, in the gloom Stands mute; the boat heaves […]

A lady watches from the crowd, Enthusiastic, flushed, and proud. “Oh! there’s Sir Henry Dudster! Such a splendid leader! How pleased he looks! What rows of ribbons on his tunic! Such dignity…. Saluting…. (Wave your flag … now, Freda!)… Yes, dear, I saw a Prussian General once,–at Munich. “Here’s the next carriage!… Jack was once […]

Propped on a stick he viewed the August weald; Squat orchard trees and oasts with painted cowls; A homely, tangled hedge, a corn-stooked field, With sound of barking dogs and farmyard fowls. And he’d come home again to find it more Desirable than ever it was before. How right it seemed that he should reach […]

When I’m among a blaze of lights, With tawdry music and cigars And women dawdling through delights, And officers at cocktail bars,– Sometimes I think of garden nights And elm trees nodding at the stars. I dream of a small firelit room With yellow candles burning straight, And glowing pictures in the gloom, And kindly […]