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12 Works of Sarah J. Prichard

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One hundred years and one ago, in Boston, at ten of the clock one April night, a church steeple had been climbed and a lantern hung out. At ten, the same night, in mid-river of the Charles, oarsmen two, with passenger silent and grim, had seen the signal light out-swung, and rowed with speed for […]

It was one hundred and one years ago in this very month of June, that nine men of the old town of Windham–which lies near the northeast corner of Connecticut–met at the meeting-house door. There was no service that day; the doors were shut, and the bell in the steeple gave no sound. The town […]

March 17, 1776. A hundred years ago the winds of March were blowing. To-day the same winds rush by the stone memorials and sweep across the low mounds that securely cover the men and the women that then were alive to chill blast and stirring event. Even the lads who gathered at sound of drum […]

It was Commander-in-chief Washington’s birthday, and it was Jeremy Jagger’s birthday. General Washington was forty-four years old that birthday, a hundred years ago. Jeremy Jagger was fourteen, and early in the morning of the 22d of February, 1776, the General and the lad were looking upon the same bit of country, but from different positions. […]

THE FIRST SUBMARINE BOAT INVENTED. “David!” cried a voice stern and commanding, from a house-door one morning, as the young man who owned the name was taking a short cut “across lots” in the direction of Pautapoug. “Sir!” cried the youth in response to the call, and pausing as nearly as he could, and at […]

Bellman Grey and Blue-Eyed Boy were hurrying up Chestnut street; the man carried a large key, the boy a new broom. It was a very warm morning in a very warm month of a very warm year; in fact it may as well be stated at once that it was the Fourth day of July, […]

Turkeys, little girl and apple-tree lived in Pennsylvania, a hundred years ago. The turkeys–eleven of them–went to bed in the apple-tree, one night in December. After it was dark, the little girl stood under the tree and peered up through the boughs and began to count. She numbered them from one up to eleven. Addressing […]

Patty Rutter had fallen asleep with her bonnet on, and had been lying there, fast asleep, nobody knew just how long; for, somehow–it happened so–there was nobody in particular to awaken her; that is to say, no one had seemed to care though she slept on all day and all night, without ever waking up […]

Sleet And Snow

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Fourth of July, 1776.–Troublous times, that day? Valentine Kull thought so, as he stood in a barn-yard, with a portion of his mother’s clothes line tied as tightly as he dared to tie it around the neck of a calf. He was waiting for the bars to be let down by his sister. Anna Kull […]

If, on the evening of July 9, 1876, at six of the clock, you go and stand where the shadow of the steeple of St. Paul’s church in New York is falling, you will occupy the space General Washington occupied, just one hundred years ago, when with uncovered head and reverent mien, he, in the […]

“A story, children; so soon after Christmas, too! Let me think, what shall it be?” “O yes, mamma,” uttered three children in chorus. Mrs. Livingston sat looking into the fire that flamed on the broad hearth so long, that Carl said, by way of reminder that time was passing: “An uncommon story.” Then up spoke […]

Monday morning, July 5th, 1779, was oppressively warm and sultry in the Naugatuck Valley. Great Hill, that rises so grandly to the northward of Union City, and at whose base the red house still nestles that was built either by Daniel Porter or his son Thomas before or as early as 1735, was bathed in […]