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9 Works of Robert Sheckley

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Cost Of Living

Story type: Literature

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If easy payment plans wereto be really efficient, patrons’lifetimes had to be extended! Carrin decided that he could trace his present mood to Miller’s suicide last week. But the knowledge didn’t help him get rid of the vague, formless fear in the back of his mind. It was foolish. Miller’s suicide didn’t concern him. But […]


Story type: Literature

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It was a joyous journey Andersset out on … to reach his goal… but look where he wound up! Anders lay on his bed, fully dressed except for his shoes and black bow tie, contemplating, with a certain uneasiness, the evening before him. In twenty minutes he would pick up Judy at her apartment, and […]

Warrior Race

Story type: Literature

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Destroying the spirit of the enemy is thegoal of war and the aliens had the best way! They never did discover whose fault it was. Fannia pointed out that if Donnaught had had the brains of an ox, as well as the build, he would have remembered to check the tanks. Donnaught, although twice as […]

The Hour Of Battle

Story type: Literature

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As one of the Guardian ships protecting Earth, the crew had a problem to solve. Just how do you protect a race from an enemy who can take over a man’s mind without seeming effort or warning? “That hand didn’t move, did it?” Edwardson asked, standing at the port, looking at the stars. “No,” Morse […]

Beside Still Waters

Story type: Literature

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When people talk about getting away from it all, they are usually thinking about our great open spaces out west. But to science fiction writers, that would be practically in the heart of Times Square. When a man of the future wants solitude he picks a slab of rock floating in space four light years […]

Death Wish

Story type: Literature

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Compared with a spaceship in distress, goingto hell in a handbasket is roomy and slow! The space freighter Queen Dierdre was a great, squat, pockmarked vessel of the Earth-Mars run and she never gave anyone a bit of trouble. That should have been sufficient warning to Mr. Watkins, her engineer. Watkins was fond of saying […]

Bad Medicine

Story type: Literature

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On May 2, 2103, Elwood Caswell walked rapidly down Broadway with a loaded revolver hidden in his coat pocket. He didn’t want to use the weapon, but feared he might anyhow. This was a justifiable assumption, for Caswell was a homicidal maniac. It was a gentle, misty spring day and the air held the smell […]

The Leech

Story type: Literature

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A visitor should be fed, butthis one could eat you out ofhouse and home … literally! The leech was waiting for food. For millennia it had been drifting across the vast emptiness of space. Without consciousness, it had spent the countless centuries in the void between the stars. It was unaware when it finally reached […]


Story type: Literature

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Of all the irksome, frustrating, maddening discoveries–was there no way of keeping it discovered? With so much at stake, Charles Dennison should not have been careless. An inventor cannot afford carelessness, particularly when his invention is extremely valuable and obviously patentable. There are too many grasping hands ready to seize what belongs to someone else, […]