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243 Works of Robert Louis Stevenson

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Thrawn Janet

Story type: Literature

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The Reverend Murdoch Soulis was long minister of the moorland parish of Balweary, in the vale of Dule. A severe, bleak-faced old man, dreadful to his hearers, he dwelt in the last years of his life, without relative or servant or any human company, in the small and lonely manse under the Hanging Shaw. In […]

Something In It

Story type: Literature

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THE natives told him many tales. In particular, they warned him of the house of yellow reeds tied with black sinnet, how any one who touched it became instantly the prey of Akaanga, and was handed on to him by Miru the ruddy, and hocussed with the kava of the dead, and baked in the […]

IN the ancient days there went three men upon pilgrimage; one was a priest, and one was a virtuous person, and the third was an old rover with his axe. As they went, the priest spoke about the grounds of faith. “We find the proofs of our religion in the works of nature,” said he, […]

The Touchstone

Story type: Literature

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THE King was a man that stood well before the world; his smile was sweet as clover, but his soul withinsides was as little as a pea. He had two sons; and the younger son was a boy after his heart, but the elder was one whom he feared. It befell one morning that the […]

The Poor Thing

Story type: Literature

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THERE was a man in the islands who fished for his bare bellyful, and took his life in his hands to go forth upon the sea between four planks. But though he had much ado, he was merry of heart; and the gulls heard him laugh when the spray met him. And though he had […]

The Song Of The Morrow

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THE King of Duntrine had a daughter when he was old, and she was the fairest King’s daughter between two seas; her hair was like spun gold, and her eyes like pools in a river; and the King gave her a castle upon the sea beach, with a terrace, and a court of the hewn […]

The Persons Of The Tale

Story type: Literature

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AFTER the 32nd chapter of TREASURE ISLAND, two of the puppets strolled out to have a pipe before business should begin again, and met in an open place not far from the story. “Good-morning, Cap’n,” said the first, with a man-o’-war salute, and a beaming countenance. “Ah, Silver!” grunted the other. “You’re in a bad […]

The Sinking Ship

Story type: Literature

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“SIR,” said the first lieutenant, bursting into the Captain’s cabin, “the ship is going down.” “Very well, Mr. Spoker,” said the Captain; “but that is no reason for going about half-shaved. Exercise your mind a moment, Mr. Spoker, and you will see that to the philosophic eye there is nothing new in our position: the […]

The Two Matches

Story type: Literature

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ONE day there was a traveller in the woods in California, in the dry season, when the Trades were blowing strong. He had ridden a long way, and he was tired and hungry, and dismounted from his horse to smoke a pipe. But when he felt in his pocket he found but two matches. He […]

THERE was once a sick man in a burning house, to whom there entered a fireman. “Do not save me,” said the sick man. “Save those who are strong.” “Will you kindly tell me why?” inquired the fireman, for he was a civil fellow. “Nothing could possibly be fairer,” said the sick man. “The strong […]

ONCE upon a time the devil stayed at an inn, where no one knew him, for they were people whose education had been neglected. He was bent on mischief, and for a time kept everybody by the ears. But at last the innkeeper set a watch upon the devil and took him in the fact. […]

The Yellow Paint

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IN a certain city there lived a physician who sold yellow paint. This was of so singular a virtue that whoso was bedaubed with it from head to heel was set free from the dangers of life, and the bondage of sin, and the fear of death for ever. So the physician said in his […]

The House Of Eld

Story type: Literature

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So soon as the child began to speak, the gyve was riveted; and the boys and girls limped about their play like convicts. Doubtless it was more pitiable to see and more painful to bear in youth; but even the grown folk, besides being very unhandy on their feet, were often sick with ulcers. About […]

The Four Reformers

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FOUR reformers met under a bramble bush. They were all agreed the world must be changed. “We must abolish property,” said one. “We must abolish marriage,” said the second. “We must abolish God,” said the third. “I wish we could abolish work,” said the fourth. “Do not let us get beyond practical politics,” said the […]

The Man And His Friend

Story type: Literature

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A MAN quarrelled with his friend. “I have been much deceived in you,” said the man. And the friend made a face at him and went away. A little after, they both died, and came together before the great white Justice of the Peace. It began to look black for the friend, but the man […]

The Reader

Story type: Literature

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I NEVER read such an impious book,” said the reader, throwing it on the floor. “You need not hurt me,” said the book; “you will only get less for me second hand, and I did not write myself.” “That is true,” said the reader. “My quarrel is with your author.” “Ah, well,” said the book, […]

ONCE upon a time there came to this earth a visitor from a neighbouring planet. And he was met at the place of his descent by a great philosopher, who was to show him everything. First of all they came through a wood, and the stranger looked upon the trees. “Whom have we here?” said […]

Two cart-horses, a gelding and a mare, were brought to Samoa, and put in the same field with a saddle-horse to run free on the island. They were rather afraid to go near him, for they saw he was a saddle-horse, and supposed he would not speak to them. Now the saddle-horse had never seen […]

“BE ashamed of yourself,” said the frog. “When I was a tadpole, I had no tail.” “Just what I thought!” said the tadpole. “You never were a tadpole.”

The gauger walked with willing foot, And aye the gauger played the flute; And what should Master Gauger play But OVER THE HILLS AND FAR AWAY? Whene’er I buckle on my pack And foot it gaily in the track, O pleasant gauger, long since dead, I hear you fluting on ahead. You go with me […]