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450 Works of Robert Herrick

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Story type: Poetry

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Let not that day God’s friends and servants scare; The bench is then their place, and not the bar.

God! to my little meal and oil Add but a bit of flesh to boil: And Thou my pipkinet shalt see, Give a wave-off’ring unto Thee.

To Christ

Story type: Poetry

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I crawl, I creep; my Christ, I come To Thee for curing balsamum: Thou hast, nay more, Thou art the tree Affording salve of sovereignty. My mouth I’ll lay unto Thy wound Bleeding, that no blood touch the ground: For, rather than one drop shall fall To waste, my JESU, I’ll take all.


Story type: Poetry

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God had but one Son free from sin; but none Of all His sons free from correction.

Coming To Christ

Story type: Poetry

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To him who longs unto his Christ to go, Celerity even itself is slow.

God’s Grace

Story type: Poetry

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God’s grace deserves here to be daily fed That, thus increased, it might be perfected.


Story type: Poetry

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Christ, I have read, did to His chaplains say, Sending them forth, Salute no man by th’ way: Not that He taught His ministers to be Unsmooth or sour to all civility, But to instruct them to avoid all snares Of tardidation in the Lord’s affairs. Manners are good; but till His errand ends, Salute […]

God’s Bounty

Story type: Poetry

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God, as He’s potent, so He’s likewise known To give us more than hope can fix upon.

God from our eyes all tears hereafter wipes, And gives His children kisses then, not stripes.


Story type: Poetry

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Lasciviousness is known to be The sister to saturity.

God’s Blessing

Story type: Poetry

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In vain our labours are whatsoe’er they be, Unless God gives the benedicite.

God, And Lord

Story type: Poetry

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God is His name of nature; but that word Implies His power when He’s called the Lord.

The Judgment-Day

Story type: Poetry

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God hides from man the reck’ning day, that he May fear it ever for uncertainty; That being ignorant of that one, he may Expect the coming of it every day.


Story type: Poetry

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Angels are called gods; yet of them, none Are gods but by participation: As just men are entitled gods, yet none Are gods of them but by adoption.


Story type: Poetry

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True rev’rence is, as Cassiodore doth prove, The fear of God commix’d with cleanly love. Cassiodore, Marcus Aurelius Cassiodorus, theologian and statesman 497-575?


Story type: Poetry

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That manna, which God on His people cast, Fitted itself to ev’ry feeder’s taste.


Story type: Poetry

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After this life, the wages shall Not shared alike be unto all.


Story type: Poetry

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Mercy, the wise Athenians held to be Not an affection, but a deity.

God tempteth no one, as St. Austin saith, For any ill, but for the proof of faith; Unto temptation God exposeth some, But none of purpose to be overcome.

The Way

Story type: Poetry

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When I a ship see on the seas, Cuff’d with those wat’ry savages, And therewithal behold it hath In all that way no beaten path, Then, with a wonder, I confess Thou art our way i’ th’ wilderness; And while we blunder in the dark, Thou art our candle there, or spark.