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450 Works of Robert Herrick

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To seek of God more than we well can find, Argues a strong distemper of the mind.

God could have made all rich, or all men poor; But why He did not, let me tell wherefore: Had all been rich, where then had patience been? Had all been poor, who had His bounty seen?

Christ’s Part

Story type: Poetry

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Christ, He requires still, wheresoe’er He comes To feed or lodge, to have the best of rooms: Give Him the choice; grant Him the nobler part Of all the house: the best of all’s the heart.

His Dream

Story type: Poetry

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I dreamt, last night, Thou didst transfuse Oil from Thy jar into my cruse; And pouring still Thy wealthy store, The vessel full did then run o’er; Methought I did Thy bounty chide To see the waste; but ’twas replied By Thee, dear God, God gives man seed Ofttimes for waste, as for his need. […]


Story type: Poetry

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Give, if thou canst, an alms; if not, afford, Instead of that, a sweet and gentle word: God crowns our goodness wheresoe’er He sees, On our part, wanting all abilities.

God is all sufferance here; here He doth show No arrow nockt, only a stringless bow: His arrows fly, and all His stones are hurl’d Against the wicked in another world. Nockt, placed ready for shooting.

Shame checks our first attempts; but then ’tis prov’d Sins first dislik’d are after that belov’d.

God, when He takes my goods and chattels hence, Gives me a portion, giving patience: What is in God is God; if so it be He patience gives, He gives Himself to me.


Story type: Poetry

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Sin leads the way, but as it goes, it feels The following plague still treading on his heels.


Story type: Poetry

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What here we hope for, we shall once inherit; By faith we all walk here, not by the Spirit.

Sin And Strife

Story type: Poetry

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After true sorrow for our sins, our strife Must last with Satan to the end of life.

Our present tears here, not our present laughter, Are but the handsels of our joys hereafter. Handsels, earnest money, foretaste.


Story type: Poetry

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Humble we must be, if to heaven we go: High is the roof there; but the gate is low: Whene’er thou speak’st, look with a lowly eye: Grace is increased by humility.

What God gives, and what we take, ‘Tis a gift for Christ, His sake: Be the meal of beans and peas, God be thanked for those and these: Have we flesh, or have we fish, All are fragments from His dish. He His Church save, and the king; And our peace here, like a spring, […]

Dear God, If Thy smart rod Here did not make me sorry, I should not be With Thine or Thee In Thy eternal glory. But since Thou didst convince My sins by gently striking; Add still to those First stripes new blows, According to Thy liking. Fear me, Or scourging tear me; That thus from […]

Honour thy parents; but good manners call Thee to adore thy God the first of all.

Chor. What sweeter music can we bring, Than a carol for to sing The birth of this our heavenly King? Awake the voice! awake the string! Heart, ear, and eye, and everything Awake! the while the active finger Runs division with the singer. FROM THE FLOURISH THEY CAME TO THE SONG. 1. Dark and dull […]

Here a little child I stand Heaving up my either hand; Cold as paddocks though they be, Here I lift them up to Thee, For a benison to fall On our meat and on us all. Amen. Paddocks, frogs.

1. Hence, hence profane, and none appear With anything unhallowed here; No jot of leaven must be found Conceal’d in this most holy ground. 2. What is corrupt, or sour’d with sin, Leave that without, then enter in; Chor. But let no Christmas mirth begin Before ye purge and circumcise Your hearts, and hands, lips, […]

[Sung To The King In The Presence At Whitehall] 1. Prepare for songs; He’s come, He’s come; And be it sin here to be dumb, And not with lutes to fill the room. 2. Cast holy water all about, And have a care no fire goes out, But ‘cense the porch and place throughout. 3. […]