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197 Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson

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To The Shah

Story type: Poetry

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FROM HAFIZ Thy foes to hunt, thy enviers to strike down, Poises Arcturus aloft morning and evening his spear. TO THE SHAH FROM ENWERI Not in their houses stand the stars, But o’er the pinnacles of thine! TO THE SHAH FROM ENWERI From thy worth and weight the stars gravitate, And the equipoise of heaven […]

The Flute

Story type: Poetry

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FROM HILALI Hark, what, now loud, now low, the pining flute complains, Without tongue, yellow-cheeked, full of winds that wail and sigh; Saying, Sweetheart! the old mystery remains,– If I am I; thou, thou; or thou art I?

The Poet

Story type: Poetry

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I Right upward on the road of fame With sounding steps the poet came; Born and nourished in miracles, His feet were shod with golden bells, Or where he stepped the soil did peal As if the dust were glass and steel. The gallant child where’er he came Threw to each fact a tuneful name. […]

[(Translation) Among the religious customs of the dervishes is an astronomical dance, in which the dervish imitates the movements of the heavenly bodies, by spinning on his own axis, whilst at the same time he revolves round the Sheikh in the centre, representing the sun; and, as he spins, he sings the Song of Seyd […]

I There are beggars in Iran and Araby, SAID was hungrier than all; Hafiz said he was a fly That came to every festival. He came a pilgrim to the Mosque On trail of camel and caravan, Knew every temple and kiosk Out from Mecca to Ispahan; Northward he went to the snowy hills, At […]

The patient Pan, Drunken with nectar, Sleeps or feigns slumber, Drowsily humming Music to the march of time. This poor tooting, creaking cricket, Pan, half asleep, rolling over His great body in the grass, Tooting, creaking, Feigns to sleep, sleeping never; ‘T is his manner, Well he knows his own affair, Piling mountain chains of […]

THE EARTH Our eyeless bark sails free Though with boom and spar Andes, Alp or Himmalee, Strikes never moon or star. THE HEAVENS Wisp and meteor nightly falling, But the Stars of God remain.

See yonder leafless trees against the sky, How they diffuse themselves into the air, And, ever subdividing, separate Limbs into branches, branches into twigs. As if they loved the element, and hasted To dissipate their being into it. Parks and ponds are good by day; I do not delight In black acres of the night, […]

The Garden

Story type: Poetry

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Many things the garden shows, And pleased I stray From tree to tree Watching the white pear-bloom, Bee-infested quince or plum. I could walk days, years, away Till the slow ripening, secular tree Had reached its fruiting-time, Nor think it long. Solar insect on the wing In the garden murmuring, Soothing with thy summer horn […]

Water (fragment)

Story type: Poetry

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The water understands Civilization well; It wets my foot, but prettily It chills my life, but wittily, It is not disconcerted, It is not broken-hearted: Well used, it decketh joy, Adorneth, doubleth joy: Ill used, it will destroy, In perfect time and measure With a face of golden pleasure Elegantly destroy.

Birds (fragment)

Story type: Poetry

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Darlings of children and of bard, Perfect kinds by vice unmarred, All of worth and beauty set Gems in Nature’s cabinet; These the fables she esteems Reality most like to dreams. Welcome back, you little nations, Far-travelled in the south plantations; Bring your music and rhythmic flight, Your colors for our eyes’ delight: Freely nestle […]

Would you know what joy is hid In our green Musketaquid, And for travelled eyes what charms Draw us to these meadow farms, Come and I will show you all Makes each day a festival. Stand upon this pasture hill, Face the eastern star until The slow eye of heaven shall show The world above, […]

Nahant (fragment)

Story type: Poetry

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All day the waves assailed the rock, I heard no church-bell chime, The sea-beat scorns the minster clock And breaks the glass of Time.

Maia (fragment)

Story type: Poetry

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Illusion works impenetrable, Weaving webs innumerable, Her gay pictures never fail, Crowds each on other, veil on veil, Charmer who will be believed By man who thirsts to be deceived. Illusions like the tints of pearl, Or changing colors of the sky, Or ribbons of a dancing girl That mend her beauty to the eye. […]

I left my dreary page and sallied forth, Received the fair inscriptions of the night; The moon was making amber of the world, Glittered with silver every cottage pane, The trees were rich, yet ominous with gloom. The meadows broad From ferns and grapes and from the folded flowers Sent a nocturnal fragrance; harlot flies […]

Life (fragment)

Story type: Poetry

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A train of gay and clouded days Dappled with joy and grief and praise, Beauty to fire us, saints to save, Escort us to a little grave. No fate, save by the victim’s fault, is low, For God hath writ all dooms magnificent, So guilt not traverses his tender will. Around the man who seeks […]

Rex (fragment)

Story type: Poetry

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The bard and mystic held me for their own, I filled the dream of sad, poetic maids, I took the friendly noble by the hand, I was the trustee of the hand-cart man, The brother of the fisher, porter, swain, And these from the crowd’s edge well pleased beheld The service done to me as […]

Wilt thou seal up the avenues of ill? Pay every debt as if God wrote the bill. If curses be the wage of love, Hide in thy skies, thou fruitless Jove, Not to be named: It is clear Why the gods will not appear; They are ashamed. When wrath and terror changed Jove’s regal port, […]

The Bohemian Hymn

Story type: Poetry

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In many forms we try To utter God’s infinity, But the boundless hath no form, And the Universal Friend Doth as far transcend An angel as a worm. The great Idea baffles wit, Language falters under it, It leaves the learned in the lurch; Nor art, nor power, nor toil can find The measure of […]


Story type: Poetry

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O what are heroes, prophets, men, But pipes through which the breath of Pan doth blow A momentary music. Being’s tide Swells hitherward, and myriads of forms Live, robed with beauty, painted by the sun; Their dust, pervaded by the nerves of God, Throbs with an overmastering energy Knowing and doing. Ebbs the tide, they […]