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297 Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley

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[Published by Garnett, “Relics of Shelley”, 1862; dated 1818.] [VERSES 1-55, WITH SOME OMISSIONS.] Muse, sing the deeds of golden Aphrodite, Who wakens with her smile the lulled delight Of sweet desire, taming the eternal kings Of Heaven, and men, and all the living things That fleet along the air, or whom the sea, Or […]

[Published by Mrs. Shelley, “Posthumous Poems”, 1824; dated 1819. Amongst the Shelley manuscripts at the Bodleian there is a copy, ‘practically complete,’ which has been collated by Mr. C.D. Locock. See “Examination”, etc., 1903, pages 64-70. ‘Though legible throughout, and comparatively free from corrections, it has the appearance of being a first draft’ (Locock).] SILENUS. […]

PROM THE GREEK OF BION. [Published by Forman, “Poetical Works of P. B. S.”, 1876.] I mourn Adonis dead–loveliest Adonis– Dead, dead Adonis–and the Loves lament. Sleep no more, Venus, wrapped in purple woof– Wake violet-stoled queen, and weave the crown Of Death,–’tis Misery calls,–for he is dead. The lovely one lies wounded in the […]

[These four Epigrams were published–numbers 2 and 4 without title–by Mrs. Shelley, “Poetical Works”, 1839, 1st edition.] 1.–TO STELLA. FROM THE GREEK OF PLATO. Thou wert the morning star among the living, Ere thy fair light had fled;– Now, having died, thou art as Hesperus, giving New splendour to the dead. 2.–KISSING HELENA. FROM THE […]

FROM THE GREEK OF MOSCHUS. [Published from the Hunt manuscripts by Forman, “Poetical Works of P. B. S.”, 1876.] Ye Dorian woods and waves, lament aloud,– Augment your tide, O streams, with fruitless tears, For the beloved Bion is no more. Let every tender herb and plant and flower, From each dejected bud and drooping […]

[Published with “Alastor”, 1816.] Tan ala tan glaukan otan onemos atrema Balle–k.t.l. When winds that move not its calm surface sweep The azure sea, I love the land no more; The smiles of the serene and tranquil deep Tempt my unquiet mind.–But when the roar Of Ocean’s gray abyss resounds, and foam Gathers upon the […]

(From the Greek of Moschus) [Published (without title) by Mrs. Shelley, “Posthumous Poems”, 1824. There is a draft amongst the Hunt manuscripts.] Pan loved his neighbour Echo–but that child Of Earth and Air pined for the Satyr leaping; The Satyr loved with wasting madness wild The bright nymph Lyda,–and so three went weeping. As Pan […]

The Same

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(As revised by Mr. C.D. Locock.) Melodious Arethusa, o’er my verse Shed thou once more the spirit of thy stream: (Two lines missing.) Who denies verse to Gallus? So, when thou Glidest beneath the green and purple gleam Of Syracusan waters, mayest thou flow Unmingled with the bitter Dorian dew! Begin, and whilst the goats […]

[VERSES 1-26.] [Published by Rossetti, “Complete Poetical Works of P. B. S.”, 1870, from the Boscombe manuscripts now in the Bodleian. Mr. Locock (“Examination”, etc., 1903, pages 47-50), as the result of his collation of the same manuscripts, gives a revised and expanded version which we print below.] Melodious Arethusa, o’er my verse Shed thou […]

[VERSES 360 ET SEQ.] [Published by Locock, “Examination”, etc., 1903.] And the cloven waters like a chasm of mountains Stood, and received him in its mighty portal And led him through the deep’s untrampled fountains He went in wonder through the path immortal Of his great Mother and her humid reign And groves profaned not […]

[Published with “Alastor”, 1816; reprinted, “Posthumous Poems”, 1824.] DANTE ALIGHIERI TO GUIDO CAVALCANTI: Guido, I would that Lapo, thou, and I, Led by some strong enchantment, might ascend A magic ship, whose charmed sails should fly With winds at will where’er our thoughts might wend, So that no change, nor any evil chance Should mar […]

FROM THE ITALIAN OF DANTE. [Published by Garnett, “Relics of Shelley”, 1862; dated 1820.] 1. Ye who intelligent the Third Heaven move, Hear the discourse which is within my heart, Which cannot be declared, it seems so new. The Heaven whose course follows your power and art, Oh, gentle creatures that ye are! me drew, […]

ADAPTED FROM THE VITA NUOVA OF DANTE. [Published by Forman, “Poetical Works of P. B. S.”, 1876.] What Mary is when she a little smiles I cannot even tell or call to mind, It is a miracle so new, so rare.

FROM THE PURGATORIO OF DANTE, CANTO 28, LINES 1-51. [Published in part (lines 1-8, 22-51) by Medwin, “The Angler in Wales”,1834, “Life of Shelley”, 1847; reprinted in full by Garnett, “Relics of Shelley”, 1862.] And earnest to explore within–around– The divine wood, whose thick green living woof Tempered the young day to the sight–I wound […]


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(Published by Medwin, “Life of Shelley”, 1847, with Shelley’s corrections in italics [”].–ED.) INFERNO 33, 22-75. [Translated by Medwin and corrected by Shelley.] Now had the loophole of that dungeon, still Which bears the name of Famine’s Tower from me, And where ’tis fit that many another will Be doomed to linger in captivity, Shown […]

GUIDO CAVALCANTI TO DANTE ALIGHIERI: [Published by Forman (who assigns it to 1815), “Poetical Works of P. B. S.”, 1876.] Returning from its daily quest, my Spirit Changed thoughts and vile in thee doth weep to find: It grieves me that thy mild and gentle mind Those ample virtues which it did inherit Has lost. […]

[Published by Mrs. Shelley, “Posthumous Poems”, 1824; dated March, 1822. There is a transcript of Scene 1 among the Hunt manuscripts, which has been collated by Mr. Buxton Forman.] SCENE 1: ENTER CYPRIAN, DRESSED AS A STUDENT; CLARIN AND MOSCON AS POOR SCHOLARS, WITH BOOKS. CYPRIAN: In the sweet solitude of this calm place, This […]

TRANSLATED BY MEDWIN AND CORRECTED BY SHELLEY. 1. Hast thou not seen, officious with delight, Move through the illumined air about the flower The Bee, that fears to drink its purple light, Lest danger lurk within that Rose’s bower? Hast thou not marked the moth’s enamoured flight About the Taper’s flame at evening hour; ‘Till […]

[Published in part (Scene 2) in “The Liberal”, No. 1, 1822; in full, by Mrs. Shelley, “Posthumous Poems”, 1824.] SCENE 1.–PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN THE LORD AND THE HOST OF HEAVEN. ENTER THREE ARCHANGELS. RAPHAEL: The sun makes music as of old Amid the rival spheres of Heaven, On its predestined circle rolled With thunder speed: […]


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[LATIN VERSION OF THE EPITAPH IN GRAY’S ELEGY.] 1. Hic sinu fessum caput hospitali Cespitis dormit juvenis, nec illi Fata ridebant, popularis ille Nescius aurae. 2. Musa non vultu genus arroganti Rustica natum grege despicata, Et suum tristis puerum notavit Sollicitudo. 3. Indoles illi bene larga, pectus Veritas sedem sibi vindicavit, Et pari tantis meritis […]