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11 Works of Mildred Aldrich

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THE SON OF JOSEPHINE THE TALE OF A FOUNDLING The house was very quiet next day. All the men, except the Critic and the Sculptor, had made an early and hurried run to Paris. So we saw little of each other until we gathered for dinner, and the conversation was calm–in fact subdued. The Doctor […]

IT HAPPENED AT MIDNIGHT The daytimes were not ever very bad. Short-handed in the pretty garden, every one did a little work. The Lawyer was passionately fond of flowers, and the Youngster did most of the errands. The Sculptor had found some clay, and loved to surprise us at night with a new centre piece […]

It was by a strange irony of Fate that we found ourselves reunited for a summer’s outing, in a French garden, in July, 1914. With the exception of the Youngster, we had hardly met since the days of our youth. We were a party of unattached people, six men, two women, your humble servant, and […]

The Lawyer’s Story

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THE NIGHT BEFORE THE WEDDING THE TALE OF A BRIDE-ELECT The next day we all hung about the garden, except the Youngster, who disappeared on his wheel early in the day, and only came back, hot and dusty, at tea-time. He waved a hand at us as he ran through the garden crying: “I’ll change, […]

The Divorcee’s Story

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ONE WOMAN’S PHILOSOPHYTale Of A Modern Wife. As I look back, I remember that the next night was one of the most trying of the week. As we came down to dinner we all had visions of the destruction of Louvain, and the burning of the famous library. It is hard enough to think of […]

The Sculptor’s Story

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UNTO THIS ENDThe Tale Of A Virgin. It was on August 26th that we were first sure that the Allied forces and the German army had actually come in contact. It seemed impossible for us to realize it, but, in the afternoon the Doctor, the Lawyer, and the Youngster took one of the cars, and […]

The Doctor’s Story

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AS ONE DREAMS THE TALE OF AN ADOLESCENT The next day was very peaceful. We were becoming habituated to the situation. It was a Sunday, and the weather was warm. There had been no real news so far as we knew, except that Japan had lined up with the Allies. The Youngster had come near […]

The Critic’s Story

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‘TWAS IN THE INDIAN SUMMERTale Of An Actress. The next day, just as we were sitting down to dinner, the news came that Namur had fallen. The German army had marched singing into the burning town the afternoon before. The Youngster had his head over a map almost all through dinner. The Belgians were practically […]

ADIEU The last word had hardly been uttered when the Youngster, who had been fidgeting, leaped to his feet. “Hark!” he cried. We all listened. “Cannon,” he yelled, and rushed out to the big gate, which he tore open, and dashed into the road. There was no doubt of it. Off to the north we […]

The Violinist’s Story

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THE SOUL OF THE SONG THE TALE OF A FIANCEE On Saturday most of the men made a run into Paris. It had finally been decided as best that, if all went well, we should leave for Paris some time the next day. There were steamer tickets to attend to. There were certain valuables to […]

IN A RAILWAY STATION THE TALE OF A DANCER On Friday night, just as we were finishing dinner–we had eaten inside–the Divorcee said: “It may not be in order to make the remark, but I cannot help saying that it is so strange to think that we are sitting here so quietly in a country […]