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5 Works of Mary Hallock Foote

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( Scribner’s Magazine, July, 1879.) It had been “borne in” upon him, more or less, during the long winter; it had not relaxed its hold when the frosts unlocked and the streams were set free from their long winter’s silence among the hills. He grew restless and abstracted under “the turnings of the Lord’s hand […]

The Harshaw Bride

Story type: Literature

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[Mrs. Tom Daly, of Bisuka in the Northwest, writes to her invalid sister spending the summer on the coast of Southern California.] I You know I am always ready to sacrifice truth to politeness, if the truth is of that poor, stingy upstart variety everybody is familiar with and if the occasion warrants the expense. […]

Pilgrims To Mecca

Story type: Literature

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“Notice the girl on your right, Elsie. That is the thing! You have to see it to understand. Do you understand, dear? Do you see the difference?” A middle-aged little mother, with a sensitive, care-worn face, leaned across the Pullman section and laid a hand upon her daughter’s by way of emphasis–needless, for her voice […]

The Maid’s Progress

Story type: Literature

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From the great plateau of the Snake River, at a point that is far from any main station, the stage-road sinks into a hollow which the winds might have scooped, so constantly do they pounce and delve and circle round the spot. Down in this pothole, where sand has drifted into the infrequent wheel tracks, […]

A Touch Of Sun

Story type: Literature

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I The five-o’clock whistle droned through the heat. Its deep, consequential chest-note belonged by right to the oldest and best paying member of the Asgard group, a famous mining property of northern California. The Asgard Company owned a square league of prehistoric titles on the western slope of the foot-hills,–land enough for the preservation of […]