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36 Works of Mabel Powers

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Every boy has wondered how there came to be two of him. Every girl has puzzled over how she happened to be twins. Sometimes she is the good girl,–sometimes a naughty one. The Indians say this is how it happened. The world was very young. There was no earth, only a cloud-like sea. The sea […]

There was once an Indian boy, who thought he knew more and could do more than anyone else. He was so proud of himself that he walked around like a great chief, who wears a war shirt with many scalp locks on it. The other Indian boys and girls called him Spread Feather, because he […]

The land was lean and hungry. The Old Man of the North Lodge had breathed upon the valley. His breath had frozen the corn, and there was no bread for the people. The Indian hunters took to the chase. They followed every track of deer or rabbit. If their arrows brought them meat, they threw […]

A wise old raccoon sat up in a tree near the river where the bear lost his tail. The coon saw the fox play his foxy trick on the bear, and he did not like it. “The fox is getting a big head,” said the coon. “This must not be. His head must be made […]

It was some moons after the coon outwitted the fox, before they again met. The coon was hurrying by, when the fox saw him. Now the fox had not forgotten the trick the coon had played on him. His head was still sore from that great thump against the apple tree. So the fox started […]

Long ago, birds, trees, animals, and men knew each the language of the other, and all could talk together. In those days, the trees of the forest grew very large and strong. At last they came to know their strength too well. They became selfish, and proud, and quarrelsome. Each tree boasted that he was […]

Many, many moons before the White man came, a little Indian boy was left in the woods. It was in the days when animals and men understood each other better than they do now. An old mother bear found the little Indian boy. She felt very sorry for him. She told the little boy not […]

It was a long, long time ago, when the earth was very young. Trees and flowers were growing everywhere, but there were no birds. One morning the Great Spirit drew back the blanket from the door of his wigwam in the sky. He looked upon the earth and smiled, for he saw that his work […]

Why The Partridge Drums

Story type: Literature

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It was after the Great Spirit had made all the beautiful birds, that the Evil Spirit came along. He saw the beautiful birds and heard their beautiful songs. He saw that the earth people liked the birds and liked to hear them sing. Now the Evil Spirit did not wish people to be happy, so […]

A long, long time ago, some Indians were running along a trail that led to an Indian settlement. As they ran, a rabbit jumped from the bushes and sat before them. The Indians stopped, for the rabbit still sat up before them and did not move from the trail. They shot their arrows at him, […]

Why Dogs Chase Foxes

Story type: Literature

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A fox was running through the wood near a river. He had a fish in his mouth. The fish had been stolen from an Indian who lived down the stream. The fox had been passing near the Indian’s wigwam. He saw the fish hanging by the fire. It was cleaned and ready to cook. “What […]

Some moons after the council when the birds chose their feathered suits, a second council was called. The purpose of this council was to see which bird could fly to heaven, and bring a song to earth. When all the birds had arrived and were perched upon the council tree, the wise old owl spoke. […]

Story-Telling Time

Story type: Literature

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The old-time Indians say that long, long ago, the Little People made a law that stories must not be told in summer. Summer is the time for work. Bees must store their honey. Squirrels must gather their nuts. Men must grow their corn. Trees and plants must leaf, and flower, and bear their fruit. If […]

The Iroquois Red Children are a grateful people. The true Iroquois never rises after eating without saying, “Niaweh,” which means, “I am thankful.” The others reply, “Niuh,”–“It is well.” The Red Children never pick a flower without thinking how kind the Great Spirit has been, to cause the flowers to grow. They like flowers, and […]

In the olden times, tribes of Indians did not always live in one place as they do now. They sometimes wandered from one valley or woodland to another. When they came to a sheltered place, where there was pure running water, and where plenty of game and wood were to be found, they would build […]

How The White Man Came

Story type: Literature

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Long, long before Columbus came to America, the Red Children were here. They were the first and only real Americans. From the Big Sea Water on the east to the Big Sea Water on the west, ranged these Children of the Sun, as they called themselves. Happy and free as the sunlight and air about […]