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89 Works of Louisa May Alcott

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Seven Black Cats

Story type: Literature

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They all came uninvited, they all led eventful lives, and all died tragical deaths; so out of the long list of cats whom I have loved and lost, these seven are the most interesting and memorable. I have no prejudice against color, but it so happened that our pussies were usually gray or maltese. One […]

Rosa’s Tale

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“Now, I believe every one has had a Christmas present and a good time. Nobody has been forgotten, not even the cat,” said Mrs. Ward to her daughter, as she looked at Pobbylinda, purring on the rug, with a new ribbon round her neck and the remains of a chicken bone between her paws. It […]

Two Little Travellers

Story type: Literature

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The first of these true histories is about Annie Percival,–a very dear and lovely child, whose journey interested many other children, and is still remembered with gratitude by those whom she visited on a far-off island. Annie was six when she sailed away to Fayal with her mother, grandmamma, and “little Aunt Ruth,” as she […]

A Jolly Fourth

Story type: Literature

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Door-step parties were the fashion that year, and it was while a dozen young folks sat chatting on Annie Hadwin’s steps in the twilight that they laid the plan which turned out such a grand success in the end. “For my part, I am glad we are to be put on a short allowance of […]

HOW HE SHIPPED. A boy sat on a door-step in a despondent attitude, with his eyes fixed on a pair of very shabby shoes, and his elbows resting on his knees, as if to hide the big patches there. But it was not the fact that his toes were nearly out and his clothes dilapidated […]

Here’s your breakfast, miss. I hope it’s right. Your mother showed me how to fix it, and said I’d find a cup up here.” “Take that blue one. I have not much appetite, and can’t eat if things are not nice and pretty. I like the flowers. I’ve been longing for some ever since I […]

Marjorie sat on the door-step, shelling peas, quite unconscious what a pretty picture she made, with the roses peeping at her through the lattice work of the porch, the wind playing hide-and-seek in her curly hair, while the sunshine with its silent magic changed her faded gingham to a golden gown, and shimmered on the […]

The Blue and the Gray

Story type: Literature

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“DON’T bring him in here; every corner is full,” said the nurse, eying with dismay the gaunt figure lying on the stretcher in the doorway. “Where shall we put him, then? They can’t have him in either of the other wards on this floor. He’s ordered up here, and here he must stay, if he’s […]

A Modern Cinderella

Story type: Literature

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HOW IT WAS LOST Among green New England hills stood an ancient house, many-gabled, mossy-roofed, and quaintly built, but picturesque and pleasant to the eye; for a brook ran babbling through the orchard that encompassed it about, a garden-plot stretched upward to the whispering birches on the slope, and patriarchal elms stood sentinel upon the […]