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89 Works of Louisa May Alcott

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My Boys

Story type: Literature

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Feeling that I have been unusually fortunate in my knowledge of a choice and pleasing variety of this least appreciated portion of the human race, I have a fancy to record some of my experiences, hoping that it may awaken an interest in other minds, and cause other people to cultivate the delightful, but too […]

Fancy’s Friend

Story type: Literature

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It was a wagon, shaped like a great square basket, on low wheels, and drawn by a stout donkey. There was one seat, on which Miss Fairbairn the governess sat; and all round her, leaning over the edge of the basket, were children, with little wooden shovels and baskets in their hands, going down to […]

Little Gulliver

Story type: Literature

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Up in the light-house tower lived Davy, with Old Dan the keeper. Most little boys would have found it very lonely; but Davy had three friends, and was as happy as the day was long. One of Davy’s friends was the great lamp, which was lighted at sunset, and burnt all night, to guide the […]

The Whale’s Story

Story type: Literature

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Freddy sat thinking on the seat under the trees. It was a wide, white seat, about four feet long, sloping from the sides to the middle, something like a swing; and was not only comfortable but curious, for it was made of a whale’s bone. Freddy often sat there, and thought about it for he […]

A Strange Island

Story type: Literature

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One day I lay rocking in my boat, reading a very famous book, which all children know and love; and the name of which I’ll tell you by and by. So busily was I reading, that I never minded the tide; and presently discovered that I was floating out to sea, with neither sail nor […]

Poppy’s Pranks

Story type: Literature

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She wasn’t a wilfully naughty child, this harum-scarum Poppy, but very thoughtless and very curious. She wanted to see every thing, do every thing, and go every where: she feared nothing, and so was continually getting into scrapes. Her pranks began early; for, when she was about four, her mamma one day gave her a […]

What The Swallows Did

Story type: Literature

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A man lay on a pile of new-made hay, in a great barn, looking up at the swallows who darted and twittered above him. He envied the cheerful little creatures; for he wasn’t a happy man, though he had many friends, much money, and the beautiful gift of writing songs that everybody loved to sing. […]

Mr. Plum lived in St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. There were six little Plums, all girls, varying in ages from fourteen to seven, and named Kate, Lucy, Susy, Lizzy, Marjory and Maggie. There was no mamma, but Mrs. Gibbs, the housekeeper, was a kind old soul, and papa did everything he could to make the small […]

Morning Glories

Story type: Literature

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“What’s that?”–and Daisy sat up in her little bed to listen; for she had never heard a sound like it before. It was very early, and the house was still. The sun was just rising, and the morning-glories at the window were turning their blue and purple cups to catch the welcome light. The sky […]

Shadow Children

Story type: Literature

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Ned, Polly, and Will sat on the steps one sun-shiny morning, doing nothing, except wish they had something pleasant to do. “Something new, something never heard of before,–wouldn’t that be jolly?” said Ned, with a great yawn. “It must be an amusing play, and one that we don’t get tired of very soon,” added Polly […]

How It All Happened

Story type: Literature

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It was a small room, with nothing in it but a bed, two chairs, and a big chest. A few little gowns hung on the wall, and the only picture was the wintry sky, sparkling with stars, framed by the uncurtained window. But the moon, pausing to peep, saw something pretty and heard something pleasant. […]

Sixty years ago, up among the New Hampshire hills, lived Farmer Bassett, with a house full of sturdy sons and daughters growing up about him. They were poor in money, but rich in land and love, for the wide acres of wood, corn, and pasture land fed, warmed, and clothed the flock, while mutual patience, […]

Kitty’s Cattle Show

Story type: Literature

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Little Kitty was an orphan, and she lived in the poor-house, where she ran errands, tended babies, and was everybody’s servant. A droll, happy-hearted child, who did her best to be good, and was never tired of hoping that something pleasant would happen. She had often heard of Cattle Shows, but had never been to […]

Miss Ellen was making a new pincushion, and a very pretty one it promised to be, for she had much taste, and spent half her time embroidering chair-covers, crocheting tidies, and all sorts of dainty trifles. Her room was full of them; and she often declared that she did wish some one would invent a […]

Clams, a Ghost Story

Story type: Literature

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“I haven’t a room in the house, ma’am, but if you don’t mind going down to the cottage, and coming up here to your meals, I can accommodate you, and would be glad to,” said Mrs. Grant, in answer to my demand for board. “Where is the cottage?” and I looked about me, feeling ready […]

My Little School Girl

Story type: Literature

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The first time that I saw her was one autumn morning as I rode to town in a horse-car. It was early, and my only fellow-passenger was a crusty old gentleman, who sat in a corner, reading his paper; so when the car stopped, I glanced out to see who came next, hoping it would […]

What A Shovel Did

Story type: Literature

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As my friend stood by the window, watching the “soft falling snow,” I saw him smile,–a thoughtful yet a very happy smile, and, anxious to know what brought it, I asked,– “What do you see out there?” “Myself,” was the answer that made me stare in surprise, as I joined him and looked curiously into […]

How They Camped Out

Story type: Literature

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“It looks so much like snow I think it would be wiser to put off your sleighing party, Gwen,” said Mrs. Arnold, looking anxiously out at the heavy sky and streets still drifted by the last winter storm. “Not before night, mamma; we don’t mind its being cloudy, we like it, because the sun makes […]


Story type: Literature

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“Sister Jerusha, it really does wear upon me to see those dear boys eat such bad pies and stuff day after day when they ought to have good wholesome things for lunch. I actually ache to go and give each one of ’em a nice piece of bread-and-butter or one of our big cookies,” said […]

A Bright Idea

Story type: Literature

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“No answer to my advertisement, mamma, and I must sit with idle hands for another day,” said Clara with a despondent sigh, as the postman passed the door. “You needn’t do that, child, when I’m suffering for a new cap, and no one can suit me so well as you, if you have the spirits […]