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26 Works of L. Frank Baum

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Mistress Mary

Story type: Literature

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Mistress Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With dingle bells and cockle shells And cowslips, all in a row. High upon a cliff that overlooked the sea was a little white cottage, in which dwelt a sailor and his wife, with their two strong sons and a little girl. The sons were also […]

There was a man in our town And he was wond’rous wise; He jumped into a bramble bush And scratched out both his eyes. And when he saw his eyes were out, With all his might and main He jumped into another bush And scratched them in again! Our town is a quiet little town, […]

The Jolly Miller

Story type: Literature

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There was a jolly miller Lived on the river Dee; He sang and worked from morn till night, No lark so blithe as he. And this the burden of his song Forever seemed to be: I care for nobody, no! not I, Since nobody cares for me. “Cree-e-eekety-cruck-crick! cree-e-eekety-cruck-crick!” sang out the big wheel of […]

The Man In The Moon

Story type: Literature

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The Man in the Moon came tumbling down, And enquired the way to Norwich; He went by the south and burned his mouth With eating cold pease porridge! What! Have you never heard the story of the Man in the Moon? Then I must surely tell it, for it is very amusing, and there is […]

What Jack Horner Did

Story type: Literature

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Little Jack Horner sat in a corner, Eating a Christmas pie; He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum And said, “What a good boy am I!” Little Jack Horner lived in an old, tumble-down house at the edge of a big wood; and there many generations of Horners had lived before him, […]

There was a little man and he had a little gun, And the bullets were made of lead, lead, lead. He went to the brook and shot a little duck, And the bullet went right through its head, head, head. There was once a little man named Jimson, who had stopped growing when he was […]