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82 Works of Juliana Horatia Ewing

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The Blackbird’s Nest

Story type: Literature

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“Let me not think an action mine own way,But as Thy love shall sway,Resigning up the rudder to Thy skill.” GEORGE HERBERT. One day, when I was a very little girl (which is a long time ago), I made a discovery. The place where I made it was not very remote, being a holly-bush at […]

Friedrich’s Ballad

Story type: Literature

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A TALE OF THE FEAST OF ST. NICHOLAS. “Ne pinger ne scolpir fia piu che queti,L’anima volta a quell’ Amor divinoCh’asserse a prender noi in Croce le braccia.” “Painting and Sculpture’s aid in vain I crave,My one sole refuge is that Love divineWhich from the Cross stretched forth its arms to save.” Written by MICHAEL […]

A Bit Of Green

Story type: Literature

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“Thou oughtest, therefore, to call to mind the more heavysufferings of others, that so thou mayest the easier bearthy own very small troubles.”–THE IMITATION OFCHRIST. Children who live always with grass and flowers at their feet, and a clear sky overhead, can have no real idea of the charm that country sights and sounds have […]

A TALE IN THREE CHAPTERS. “Sweet are the vses of aduersitieWhich like the toad, ougly and venemous,Weares yet a precious lewell in his head.”AS YOU LIKE IT: A.D. 1623. CHAPTER I. It was the year of grace 1779. In one of the most beautiful corners of beautiful France stood a grand old chateau. It was […]

HINTS FOR PRIVATE THEATRICALS.–I. IN A LETTER FROM BURNT CORK TO ROUGE POT. MY DEAR ROUGE POT,–You say that you all want to have “theatricals” these holidays, and beg me to give you some useful rules and hints to study before the Christmas Play comes out in the December Number of Aunt Judy. I will […]

The Yew-Lane Ghosts

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CHAPTER I. “Cowards are cruel.” OLD PROVERB. This story begins on a fine autumn afternoon when, at the end of a field over which the shadows of a few wayside trees were stalking like long thin giants, a man and a boy sat side by side upon a stile. They were not a happy-looking pair. […]

There was once upon a time a child who had Good Luck for his godfather. “I am not Fortune,” said Good Luck to the parents; “I have no gifts to bestow, but whenever he needs help I will be at hand.” “Nothing could be better,” said the old couple. They were delighted. But what pleases […]

The Neck

Story type: Literature

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A Legend of a Lake. On a certain lake there once lived a Neck, or Water Sprite, who desired, above all things, to obtain a human soul. Now when the sun shone this Neck rose up and sat upon the waves and played upon his harp. And he played so sweetly that the winds stayed […]

It is well known that the Good People cannot abide meanness. They like to be liberally dealt with when they beg or borrow of the human race; and, on the other hand, to those who come to them in need, they are invariably generous. Now there once lived a certain Housewife who had a sharp […]

Long ago there lived a cobbler who had very poor wits, but by strict industry he could earn enough to keep himself and his widowed mother in comfort. In this manner he had lived for many years in peace and prosperity, when a distant relative died who left him a certain sum of money. This […]

The Nix In Mischief

Story type: Literature

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A certain lake in Germany was once the home of a Nix, who became tired of the monotony of life under water, and wished to go into the upper world and amuse himself. His friends and relations all tried to dissuade him. “Be wise,” said they, “and remain where you are safe, seeing that no […]

The Ogre Courting

Story type: Literature

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In days when ogres were still the terror of certain districts, there was one who had long kept a whole neighbourhood in fear without any one daring to dispute his tyranny. By thefts and exactions, by heavy ransoms from merchants too old and tough to be eaten, in one way and another, the Ogre had […]

In the Highlands of Scotland there once lived a Laird of Brockburn, who would not believe in fairies. Although his sixth cousin on the mother’s side, as he returned one night from a wedding, had seen the Men of Peace hunting on the sides of Ben Muich Dhui, dressed in green, and with silver-mounted bridles […]

In days of yore, there were once two poor old widows who lived in the same hamlet and under the same roof. But though the cottages joined and one roof covered them, they had each a separate dwelling; and although they were alike in age and circumstances, yet in other respects they were very different. […]

The Magicians’ Gifts

Story type: Literature

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There was once a king in whose dominions lived no less than three magicians. When the king’s eldest son was christened, the king invited the three magicians to the christening feast, and to make the compliment the greater, he asked one of them to stand godfather. But the other two, who were not asked to […]

Murdoch’s Rath

Story type: Literature

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MURDOCH’S RATH[8]. [Footnote 8: Rath = a kind of moat-surrounded spot much favoured by Irish fairies. The ditch is generally overgrown with furze-bushes.] There was not a nicer boy in all Ireland than Pat, and clever at his trade too, if only he’d had one. But from his cradle he learned nothing (small blame to […]

There once lived a poor weaver, whose wife died a few years after their marriage. He was now alone in the world except for their child, who was a very quick and industrious little lad, and, moreover, of such an obliging disposition that he gained the nickname of Kind William. On his seventh birthday his […]

Generations ago, there once lived a farmer’s son, who had no great harm in him, and no great good either. He always meant well, but he had a poor spirit, and was too fond of idle company. One day his father sent him to market with some sheep for sale, and when business was over […]

The Little Darner

Story type: Literature

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In days gone by there lived a poor widow who had brought up her only child so well that the little lass was more helpful and handy than many a grown-up person. When other women’s children were tearing and dirtying their clothes, clamouring at their mothers’ skirts for this and that, losing and breaking and […]

Many years ago, there lived a certain worthy man who was twice married. By his first wife he had a son, who soon after his mother’s death resolved to become a soldier, and go to foreign lands. “When one has seen the world, one values home the more,” said he; “and if I live I […]