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27 Works of Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

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The Dead Sexton

Story type: Literature

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The sunsets were red, the nights were long, and the weather pleasantly frosty; and Christmas, the glorious herald of the New Year, was at hand, when an event–still recounted by winter firesides, with a horror made delightful by the mellowing influence of years–occurred in the beautiful little town of Golden Friars, and signalized, as the […]

Madam Crowl’s Ghost

Story type: Literature

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Twenty years have passed since you last saw Mrs. Jolliffe’s tall slim figure. She is now past seventy, and can’t have many mile-stones more to count on the journey that will bring her to her long home. The hair has grown white as snow, that is parted under her cap, over her shrewd, but kindly […]

It is not worth telling, this story of mine–at least, not worth writing. Told, indeed, as I have sometimes been called upon to tell it, to a circle of intelligent and eager faces, lighted up by a good after-dinner fire on a winter’s evening, with a cold wind rising and wailing outside, and all snug […]

The Murdered Cousin

Story type: Literature

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And they lay wait for their own blood: they lurk privily for their own lives. So are the ways of every one that is greedy for gain; which taketh away the life of the owner thereof… This story of the Irish peerage is written, as nearly as possible, in the very words in which it […]

Dickon the Devil

Story type: Literature

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About thirty years ago I was selected by two rich old maids to visit a property in that part of Lancashire which lies near the famous forest of Pendle, with which Mr. Ainsworth’s "Lancashire Witches" has made us so pleasantly familiar. My business was to make partition of a small property, including a house and […]

Laura Silver Bell

Story type: Literature

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In the five Northumbrian counties you will scarcely find so bleak, ugly, and yet, in a savage way, so picturesque a moor as Dardale Moss. The moor itself spreads north, south, east, and west, a great undulating sea of black peat and heath. What we may term its shores are wooded wildly with birch, hazel, […]

Squire Toby’s Will

Story type: Literature

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Many persons accustomed to travel the old York and London road, in the days of stagecoaches, will remember passing, in the afternoon, say, of an autumn day, in their journey to the capital, about three miles south of the town of Applebury and a mile and a half before you reach the old Angel Inn, […]