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10 Works of John S. Adams

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Saved By Kindness

Story type: Literature

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A kind word is of more value than gold or precious stones. CHAPTER I. “THEN you are here!” said a stern, gruff voice, addressing a pale, sickly-looking youth, whose frame trembled and whose lip quivered as he approached one who sat at the side of a low pine table;–it was his master, a man of […]

THERE is a story about that old tree; a biography of that old gnarled trunk and those broad-spread branches. Listen. Many, very many years ago,–there were forests then where now are cities, and the Indian song was borne on that breeze which now bears the sound of the Sabbath bell, and where the fire of […]

The Hope Of The Fallen

Story type: Literature

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CHAPTER I. IT was at the close of a beautiful autumnal day that Edward Dayton was to leave the place of his nativity. For many years he had looked forward, in joyous anticipation, to the time when he should repair to the city, and enter upon the business of life. And now that that long […]

THE heat of noon had passed, and the trees began to cast their evening shadows, when, in company with a friend, I seated myself in a carriage, and drove off in the direction of Mount Vernon. We crossed the long bridge, and found ourselves in the old State of Virginia. It was a delightful afternoon; […]

What Is Truth?

Story type: Literature

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LONG, long ago, one whose life had been one of goodness-whose every act had been that of charity and good will-was persecuted, hated and maligned! He came with new hopes. He held up a light, whose rays penetrated far into the future, and disclosed a full and glorious immortality to the long doubting, troubled soul […]

The Bandbox Movement

Story type: Literature

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“THERE! Mr. McKenzie, I declare! You are the most oncommon, oncivil man I ever sot eyes on!” “Peace, my lady! I’ll explain.” “Then do so.” “You must know, then, that I have a perfect hatred of bandboxes,–so great, in fact, that if I see one on the walk, I involuntarily raise my foot and kick […]

THERE is nothing from which more real enjoyment can be derived than the art of letter-writing. All praise to the inventive genius that gave to man a written language, and with it the implements with which to talk across the world! Did you ever think, reader, what a world this would be without pen, ink, […]

CHAPTER I. “WILL you sign the pledge?” asked one young man of another. “No!” was the ready response; and, after a moment’s pause, “You are wrong, and I am right. You wish to deprive me of a social glass, free companionship with those I love, life’s best enjoyments, and to live bound down to the […]

The Warrior’s Bride

Story type: Literature

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CHAPTER I. ROME was enjoying the blessings of peace; and so little employment attended the soldier’s every-day life, that the words “as idle as a soldier” became a proverb indicative of the most listless inactivity. The people gave themselves up to joy and gladness. The sound of music was heard from all parts of the […]

Onward Courageously

Story type: Literature

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BEND thee to action-nerve thee to duty!Whate’er it may be, never despair!God reigns on high,–pray to him truly,He will an answer give to thy prayer.Shrinketh thyself from crosses before thee?Art thou so made as to tremble and fear?Confide in thy God; he will watch o’er thee;Humbly and trustingly, brother, draw near!Clouds may be gathering, light […]