69 Works of John Kendrick Bangs
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IT seemed to be but chance, yet who shall sayThat ’twas not part of Nature’s own sweet way, That on the field where once the cannon’s breathLay many a hero cold and stark in death, Some little children, in the after-years,Had come to play among the grassy spears, And, all unheeding, when their romp was […]
WHERE glistening in the softness of the nightThe vagrant will-o’-wisps do greet the sight;Where fragrance baffling permeates the breezeThat gently flouts the grasses and the trees;Where every flying thing doth seem to beInstinct with sweetly sensuous melody;Where hills and dales assume their warmest phase,With here and there a scarf of opal hazeTo soften their luxuriant […]
GOLD, gold, gold!What care we for hunger and cold?What care we for the moil and strife,Or the thousands of foes to health and life,When there’s gold for the mighty, and gold for the meek,And gold for whoever shall dare to seek?UntoldIs the gold;And it lies in the reach of the man that’s bold:In the hands […]
ONSET BAY, MASSACHUSETTS, May 24, 18-.-Theosophists and others at Onset Bay Camp Grounds have been greatly excited of late by a message which has been received from the Mahatmas, Koot Hoomi, and his partner, who are summering in the desert of Gobi. The message is of considerable length, and contains much that is purely personal.-Daily […]
HORATIUS at the bridge, and heWho fought at old Thermopylæ; Great Samson and his potent boneBy which the Philistines were slone; Small David with his wondrous aimThat did for him of giant frame; J. Cæsar in his Gallic scrapsThat made him lord of other chaps; Sweet William, called the Conqueror,Who made the Briton sick of […]
FAIR Nature, like the mother of a wayward childWho needs must chide the offspring of her heart,Disguiseth for a season all the sweet and mildMaternal softness for an austere part. And ’neath her frown the errant earth in winter seemsProstrate to lie, and petulant of mood;Restrained in icy fetters all the babbling streams,Like naughty babes […]
SHAKESPEARE was partly wrong-the world’s a stage,This is admitted by the bard’s detractors.Had William seen some Hamlets of this ageHe’d not have called all men upon it actors.
ALL hail to thee, O son of Æolus!All hail to thee, most high Borean lord!The lineal descendant of the Winds art thou.Child of the Cyclone,Cousin to the Hurricane,Tornado’s twin,All hail!The zephyrs of the balmy southDo greet thee;The eastern winds, great Boston’s pride,In manner osculate caress thy massive cheek;Freeze onto thee,And at thy word throw off […]
I The guests at Mrs. Smithers’s high-class boarding-house for gentlemen had assembled as usual for breakfast, and in a few moments Mary, the dainty waitress, entered with the steaming coffee, the mush, and the rolls. The School-master, who, by-the-way, was suspected by Mrs. Smithers of having intentions, and who for that reason occupied the chair […]