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11 Works of Jenny Wren

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What a great deal of trouble and time it takes to choose a watering-place! And yet there are many and various kinds of resorts, some for one season, some for another. If you could be carried sufficiently high above the earth so as to have a bird’s-eye view of the whole of Great Britain, what […]

On The Country

Story type: Essay

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At which season, I wonder, is the country most lovely, most enjoyable! Is it in the spring, with its richly-colored carpet, its young green leaves, its delicious perfumes, its glorious freshness? Ah, why cannot we, like the trees, put off our old sinful world-steeped habits, and year by year bud out in purest innocence once […]

On Town

Story type: Essay

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There is not much difference of opinion as to when Town is at its best. Perhaps a few misanthropists, wrapped up in their little selves and their narrow thoughts, would shut themselves up during the season, in order to escape the pain of witnessing us all in our ungodly career. Shallow butterflies they call us. […]

Are you very shocked that I should couple these two subjects? An insult to the children, do you say? Well, do you know, I am afraid I consider it an insult to the dogs. I am not fond of children, and I love dogs. A man may be a superior animal to a dog, but […]

On Concerts

Story type: Essay

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I am not thinking about the Albert Hall Concerts, where the highest in the musical world go time after time, always singing the same songs. Neither am I thinking of “Monday Pops,” and purely classical concerts, to which at least half the audience listens with closed eyes and thoughts somewhere in dreamland. They like to […]

On Dancing

Story type: Essay

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I was looking through a “Querist Album” the other day; one of those dreadful confession books in which you are required to answer the most absurd questions. Dreadful indeed they are to write in, but not altogether uninteresting to peruse, though the interest comes not so much in the answers themselves as in the manner […]

On Bills

Story type: Essay

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BILLS! BILLS! BILLS! Detestable sound! Obnoxious word! Why were such things ever invented? Why are they sent to destroy our peace of mind? They always come, too, when you are expecting some interesting letter. You hurry to meet the postman, you get impatient at the length of time he takes to separate his packets (I […]

On Politics

Story type: Essay

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Perhaps you don’t think me competent to talk about politics? “What do women know about such things?” asks the superior masculine mind. Well, they don’t know so much as men, I admit, and I earnestly hope they never will. A woman who is infected with politics is a positive pest, and should be removed at […]

“The Muses’ friend, Tea, does our fancy aid,Repress the vapors which the head invade,And keeps the palace of the soul serene.” How I do love tea! I don’t deny it, it is as necessary to me as smoking is to men. I have heard a lady accused by her doctor of being a “tea-drunkard”! “Tea […]

On Dress

Story type: Essay

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I do not know who was the originator of the remark, but it has often been said, and is generally admitted, that women do not dress to please the men, but to outdo one another. I think just the same might be said of men in their turn. It is after all this spirit of […]

On Christmas

Story type: Literature

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It is such a prickly time. Not only everything but everybody is positively bristling with prickles. Go where you will, you cannot avoid these pointed, jagged edges. You come across them everywhere, and have to suffer accordingly. To begin with, there is the holly. Now you could not find anything lovelier in the way of […]