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5 Works of Jennette Lee

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The Lost Monogram

Story type: Literature

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I The woman seated in the light of the low, arched window was absorbed in the piece of linen stretched on a frame before her. As her fingers hovered over the brilliant surface, her eyes glowed with a look of satisfaction and lighted the face, making it almost handsome. It was a round, smooth face, […]

The Man With The Glove

Story type: Literature

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I “Ho, Tiziano ! Ala-ala- ho ! Tizi-ah-no !” The group in the gondola raised a merry call. The gondola rocked at the foot of a narrow flight of steps leading to a tall, sombre dwelling. The moonlight that flooded the gondola and steps revealed no sign of life in the dark front. The young […]

A Window Of Music

Story type: Literature

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I “About so high, I should think,” said the girl, with a swift twinkle. She measured off a diminutive man on the huge blue-and-white porcelain stove and stood back to survey it. “And about as big,” she added reflectively. Her sister laughed. The girl nodded again. “And terribly homely,” she said, making a little mouth. […]

Thumbs And Fugues

Story type: Literature

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I “Ready, father–ready!” shouted the small boy. He was standing on the top step of a flight of stairs leading to the organ-loft of the Hofchapel, peering in. His round, stolid face and short, square legs gave no hint of the excitement that piped in his shrill voice. The man at the organ looked leisurely […]

I The soft wind of an Italian spring stirred among the leaves outside. The windows of the studio, left open to the morning air, were carefully shaded. The scent of mulberry blossoms drifted in. The chair on the model-stand, adjusted to catch the light, was screened from the glare; and the light falling on the […]