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86 Works of James Russell Lowell

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Old Joe is gone, who saw hot Percy goadHis slow artillery up the Concord road,A tale which grew in wonder year by year;As every time he told it, Joe drew nearTo the main fight, till faded and grown gray,The original scene to bolder tints gave way;Then Joe had heard the foe’s scared double-quickBeat on stove […]

Love And Thought

Story type: Poetry

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What hath Love with Thought to do?Still at variance are the two.Love is sudden, Love is rash,Love is like the levin flash,Comes as swift, as swiftly goes,And his mark as surely knows. Thought is lumpish, Thought is slow,Weighing long ‘tween yes and no;When dear Love is dead and gone,Thought comes creeping in anon,And, in his […]

My coachman, in the moonlight there, Looks through the sidelight of the door; I hear him with his brethren swear, As I could do–but only more. Flattening his nose against the pane, He envies me my brilliant lot, Breathes on his aching fist in vain, And dooms me to a place more hot. He sees […]

Abraham Lincoln

Story type: Essay

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THERE have been many painful crises since the impatient vanity of South Carolina hurried ten prosperous Commonwealths into a crime whose assured retribution was to leave them either at the mercy of the nation they had wronged, or of the anarchy they had summoned but could not control, when no thoughtful American opened his morning […]


Story type: Poetry

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Gone, gone from us! and shall we see Those sibyl-leaves of destiny, Those calm eyes, nevermore? Those deep, dark eyes so warm and bright, Wherein the fortunes of the man Lay slumbering in prophetic light, In characters a child might scan? So bright, and gone forth utterly! Oh stern word–Nevermore! The stars of those two […]


Story type: Poetry

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Hers is a spirit deep, and crystal-clear; Calmly beneath her earnest face it lies, Free without boldness, meek without a fear, Quicker to look than speak its sympathies; Far down into her large and patient eyes I gaze, deep-drinking of the infinite, As, in the mid-watch of a clear, still night, I look into the […]

The Sirens

Story type: Poetry

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The sea is lonely, the sea is dreary, The sea is restless and uneasy; Thou seekest quiet, thou art weary, Wandering thou knowest not whither;– Our little isle is green and breezy, Come and rest thee! Oh come hither, Come to this peaceful home of ours, Where evermore The low west-wind creeps panting up the […]

This little blossom from afar Hath come from other lands to thine; For, once, its white and drooping star Could see its shadow in the Rhine. Perchance some fair-haired German maid Hath plucked one from the selfsame stalk, And numbered over, half afraid, Its petals in her evening walk. ‘He loves me, loves me not,’ […]

The Beggar

Story type: Poetry

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A beggar through the world am I, From place to place I wander by. Fill up my pilgrim’s scrip for me, For Christ’s sweet sake and charity! A little of thy steadfastness, Bounded with leafy gracefulness, Old oak, give me, That the world’s blasts may round me blow, And I yield gently to and fro, […]

Summer Storm

Story type: Poetry

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Untremulous in the river clear, Toward the sky’s image, hangs the imaged bridge; So still the air that I can hear The slender clarion of the unseen midge; Out of the stillness, with a gathering creep, Like rising wind in leaves, which now decreases, Now lulls, now swells, and all the while increases, The huddling […]

Thy voice is like a fountain, Leaping up in clear moonshine; Silver, silver, ever mounting, Ever sinking, Without thinking, To that brimful heart of thine. Every sad and happy feeling, Thou hast had in bygone years, Through thy lips comes stealing, stealing, Clear and low; 10 All thy smiles and all thy tears In thy […]

The Moon

Story type: Poetry

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My soul was like the sea. Before the moon was made, Moaning in vague immensity, Of its own strength afraid, Unresful and unstaid. Through every rift it foamed in vain, About its earthly prison, Seeking some unknown thing in pain, And sinking restless back again, For yet no moon had risen: Its only voice a […]

Remembered Music

Story type: Poetry

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A FRAGMENT Thick-rushing, like an ocean vast Of bisons the far prairie shaking, The notes crowd heavily and fast As surfs, one plunging while the last Draws seaward from its foamy breaking. Or in low murmurs they began, Rising and rising momently, As o’er a harp AEolian A fitful breeze, until they ran Up to […]

Song To M.l.

Story type: Poetry

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A lily thou wast when I saw thee first, A lily-bud not opened quite, That hourly grew more pure and white, By morning, and noontide, and evening nursed: In all of nature thou hadst thy share; Thou wast waited on By the wind and sun; The rain and the dew for thee took care; It […]


Story type: Poetry

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I would more natures were like thine, That never casts a glance before, Thou Hebe, who thy heart’s bright wine So lavishly to all dost pour, That we who drink forget to pine, And can but dream of bliss in store. Thou canst not see a shade in life; With sunward instinct thou dost rise, […]

The Fatherland

Story type: Poetry

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Where is the true man’s fatherland? Is it where he by chance is born? Doth not the yearning spirit scorn In such scant borders to be spanned? Oh yes! his fatherland must be As the blue heaven wide and free! Is it alone where freedom is, Where God is God and man is man? Doth […]

The Forlorn

Story type: Poetry

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The night is dark, the stinging sleet, Swept by the bitter gusts of air, Drives whistling down the lonely street, And glazes on the pavement bare. The street-lamps flare and struggle dim Through the gray sleet-clouds as they pass, Or, governed by a boisterous whim, Drop down and rustle on the glass. One poor, heart-broken, […]


Story type: Poetry

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The moon shines white and silent On the mist, which, like a tide Of some enchanted ocean, O’er the wide marsh doth glide, Spreading its ghost-like billows Silently far and wide. A vague and starry magic Makes all things mysteries, And lures the earth’s dumb spirit Up to the longing skies: I seem to hear […]

A Prayer

Story type: Poetry

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God! do not let my loved one die, But rather wait until the time That I am grown in purity Enough to enter thy pure clime, Then take me, I will gladly go, So that my love remain below! Oh, let her stay! She is by birth What I through death must learn to be; […]

I In his tower sat the poet Gazing on the roaring sea, ‘Take this rose,’ he sighed, ‘and throw it Where there’s none that loveth me. On the rock the billow bursteth And sinks back into the seas, But in vain my spirit thirsteth So to burst and be at ease. Take, O sea! the […]