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473 Works of Isaac Watts

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Hosanna to the KingOf David’s ancient blood;Behold he comes to bringForgiving grace from God:Let old and youngAttend his way,And at his feetTheir honours lay. Glory to God on high,Salvation to the Lamb;Let earth, and sea, and skyHis wondrous love proclaim:Upon his headShall honours rest,And every agePronounce him blest.

Hosanna to the SonOf David and of God,Who brought the news of pardon down,And bought it with his blood, To Christ th’ anointed KingBe endless blessings given,Let the whole earth his glory singWho made our peace with heaven.

Hosanna to the Prince of Grace,Sion, behold her King;Proclaim the Son of David’s race,And teach the babes to sing. Hosanna to th’ incarnate Word,Who from the Father came;Ascribe salvation to the Lord,With blessings on his Name.

The Hosanna;or, Salvation ascribed to Christ. Hosanna to King David’s Son,Who reigns on a superior throne;We bless the Prince of heavenly birthWho brings salvation down to earth. Let every nation, every age,In this delightful work engage;Old men and babes in Sion singThe growing glories of her King.

Lord, I ascribe it to thy grace,And not to chance as others do,That I was born of Christian race,And not a Heathen, or a Jew. What would the ancient Jewish kings,And Jewish prophets once have given,Could they have heard these glorious things,Which Christ reveal’d, and brought from heav’n! How glad the Heathens would have been,That […]

Great God, to thee my voice I raise,To thee my youngest hours belong;I would begin my life with praise,Till growing years improve the song. ‘Tis to thy soveraign grace I owe,That I was born on Brittish ground,Where streams of heavenly mercy flow,And words of sweet salvation sound. I would not change my native landFor rich […]

Whene’er I take my walks abroad,How many poor I see?What shall I render to my GodFor all his gifts to me? Not more than others I deserve,Yet God hath given me more;For I have food, while others starve,Or beg from door to door. How many children in the streetHalf naked I behold?While I am clothed […]

Blest be the wisdom and the power,The justice and the grace,That join’d in council to restoreAnd save our ruin’d race! Our father eat forbidden fruit,And from his glory fell;And we, his children, thus were broughtTo death, and near to hell. Blest be the Lord, that sent his SonTo take our flesh and blood;He for our […]

I sing th’ almighty power of God,That made the mountains rise,That spread the flowing seas abroad,And built the lofty skies. I sing the wisdom that ordain’dThe sun to rule the day;The moon shines full at his command,And all the stars obey. I sing the goodness of the Lord,That fill’d the earth with food;He form’d the […]

There is a God that reigns above,Lord of the heavens, and earth, and seas:I fear his wrath, I ask his love,And with my lips I sing his praise. There is a law which he has writ,To teach us all what we must do;My soul, to his commands submit,For they are holy, just and true. There […]

Almighty God, thy piercing eyeStrikes through the shades of night,And our most secret actions lieAll open to thy sight. There’s not a sin that we commit,Nor wicked word we say,But in thy dreadful book `tis writAgainst the judgment-day. And must the crimes that I have doneBe read and publish’d there,Be all exposed before the sun,While […]

The praises of my tongueI offer to the Lord,That I was taught, and learnt so youngTo read his holy Word. That I am taught to knowThe danger I was in,By nature and by practice tooA wretched slave to sin. That I am led to seeI can do nothing well;And whither shall a sinner flee,To save […]

Great God, with wonder and with praise,On all thy works I look;But still thy wisdom, power and graceShine brighter in thy Book. The stars that in their courses roll,Have much instruction given;But thy good Word informs my soulHow I may climb to heaven. The fields provide me food, and showThe goodness of the Lord;But fruits […]

Against Lying

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O `tis a lovely thing for youthTo walk betimes in wisdom’s way;To fear a lye, to speak the truth,That we may trust to all they say. But lyars we can never trust,Though they should speak the thing that’s true,And he that does one fault at first,And lyes to hide it, makes it two. Have we […]

What blest examples do I findWrit in the Word of Truth,Of children that began to mindReligion in their youth. Jesus, who reigns above the skie,And keeps the world in awe;Was once a child as young as I,And kept his Father’s law. At twelve years old he talk’d with men,(The Jews all wondering stand;)Yet he obey’d […]

Why should I say, “`Tis yet too soon“To seek for heaven or think of death?”A flower may fade before `tis noon,And I this day may lose my breath. If this rebellious heart of mine,Despise the gracious calls of Heaven;may be hard’ned in my sin,And never have repentance given. What if the Lord grow wroth, and […]

Happy’s the child whose youngest yearsReceive instruction well;Who hates the sinner’s path, and fearsThe road that leads to hell. When we devote our youth to God,‘Tis pleasing in his eyes;A flower, when offer’d in the bud,Is no vain sacrifice. ‘Tis easier work if we beginTo fear the Lord betimes;While sinners that grow old in sinAre […]

Angels that high in glory dwellAdore thy Name, Almighty God!And devils tremble down in hellBeneath the terrors of thy rod. And yet how wicked children dareAbuse thy dreadful glorious Name!And when they’re angry, how they swear,And curse their fellows, and blaspheme! How will they stand before thy face,Who treated thee with such disdain,While thou shalt […]

Our tongues were made to bless the Lord,And not speak ill of men:When others give a railing word,We must not rail again. Cross words and angry names requireTo be chastiz’d at school;And he’s in danger of hell-fire,That calls his brother, fool. But lips that dare be so prophaneTo mock and jeer and scoffAt holy things, […]

What ever brawls are in the streetThere should be peace at home;Where sisters dwell and brothers meetQuarrels shou’d never come. Birds in their little nests agree;And `tis a shameful sight,When children of one familyFall out, and chide, and fight. Hard names at first, and threatening words,That are but noisy breath,May grow to clubs and naked […]