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473 Works of Isaac Watts

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A song of praise to the ever-blessed Trinity,God in Father, Son, and Spirit. Bless’d be the Father and his love:To whose celestial source we oweRivers of endless joy above,And rills of comfort here below. Glory to thee, great Son of God,From whose dear wounded body rollsA precious stream of vital blood,Pardon and life for dying […]

Divine glories, and our graces. How are thy glories here display’d,Great God, how bright they shine,While at thy word we break the bread,And pour the flowing wine! Here thy revenging justice standsAnd pleads its dreadful cause;Here saving mercy spreads her handsLike Jesus on the cross. Thy saints attend with every graceOn this great sacrifice;And love […]

Pardon and strength from Christ. Father, we wait to feel thy grace,To see thy glories shine;The Lord will his own table bless,And make the feast divine. We touch, we taste the heavenly bread,We drink the sacred Cup;With outward forms our sense is fed,Our souls rejoice in hope. We shall appear before the throneOf our forgiving […]

Grace and glory by the death of Christ. [Sitting around our Father’s boardWe raise our tuneful breath;Our faith beholds her dying Lord,And dooms our sins to death.] We see the blood of Jesus shed,Whence all our pardons rise;The sinner views th’ atonement made,And loves the sacrifice. Thy cruel thorns, thy shameful crossProcure us heavenly crowns;Our […]

The God of mercy be ador’d,Who calls our souls from death,Who saves by his redeeming word,And new-creating breath. To praise the Father and the SonAnd Spirit all divine,The One in Three, and Three in One,Let saints and angels join.

Glory to God the TrinityWhose name has mysteries unknown;In essence One, in person Three;A social nature, yet alone. When all our noblest powers are join’dThe honours of thy Name to raise,Thy glories over-match our mind,And angels faint beneath the praise.

Let God the Father liveFor ever on our tongues;Sinners from his first love deriveThe ground of all their songs. Ye saints, employ your breathIn honour to the Son,Who bought your souls from hell and deathBy offering up his own. Give to the Spirit praiseOf an immortal strain,Whose light and power and grace conveysSalvation down to […]

Glory to God the Father’s Name,Who, from our sinful race,Chose out his favourites to proclaimThe honours of his grace. Glory to God the Son be paid,Who dwelt in humble clay,And, to redeem us from the dead,Gave his own life away. Glory to God the Spirit give,From whose almighty powerOur souls their heavenly birth derive,And bless […]

Now let the Father and the SonAnd Spirit be ador’d,Where there are works to make him known,Or saints to love the Lord.

Or thus: All glory to thy wondrous Name,Father of mercy, God of love,Thus we exalt the Lord, the Lamb,And thus we praise the heavenly Dove.

To God the Father, God the Son,And God the Spirit, Three in One,Be honour, praise, and glory given,By all on earth, and all in heaven.

Let God the Maker’s nameHave honour, love and fear,To God the Saviour pay the same,And God the Comforter. Father of lights above,Thy mercy we adore,The Son of thy eternal loveAnd Spirit of thy power.

A song of praise to the blessed Trinity. The 1st, as the 148th Psalm. I give immortal praiseTo God the Father’s loveFor all my comforts here,And better hopes above;He sent his ownEternal Son,To die for sinsThat man had done. To God the Son belongsImmortal glory too,Who bought us with his bloodFrom everlasting woe;And now he […]

Or thus: Give to the Father praise,Give glory to the Son,And to the Spirit of his graceBe equal honour done.

Ye angels round the throneAnd saints that dwell below,Worship the Father, love the Son,And bless the Spirit too.

Or thus: Honour to thee, almighty Three,And everlasting One;All glory to the Father be,The Spirit, and the Son.

Or thus: To our eternal God,The Father and the Son,And Spirit all divine,Three mysteries in one,Salvation, power,And praise be givenBy all on earthAnd all in heaven.

The 3d, as the 148th Psalm. To God the Father’s thronePerpetual honours raise;Glory to God the Son,To God the Spirit praise:And while our lipsTheir tribute bring,Our faith adoresThe name we sing.

The 2d, as the 148th Psalm. To Him that chose us firstBefore the world began,To Him that bore the curseTo save rebellious man,To Him that form’dOur hearts anew,Is endless praiseAnd glory due. The Father’s love shall runThro’ our immortal songs,We bring to God the SonHosannas on our tongues:Our lips addressThe Spirit’s NameWith equal praise,And zeal […]

How glorious is our Heavenly King,Who reigns above the sky!How shall a child presume to singHis dreadful majesty? How great his power is none can tell,Nor think how large his grace;Not men below, nor saints that dwellOn high before his face. Not angels that stand round the LordCan search his secret will;But they perform his […]