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269 Works of Henry Van Dyke

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The Hearing Ear

Story type: Literature

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There were three American boys from the region of Philadelphia in the dugout, “Somewhere in France”; and they found it a snug habitation, considering the circumstances. The central heating system–a round sheet-iron stove, little larger than a “topper” hat–sent out incredible quantities of acrid smoke at such times as the rusty stovepipe refused to draw. […]

The King’s High Way

Story type: Literature

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In the last remnant of Belgium, a corner yet unconquered by the German horde, I saw a tall young man walking among the dunes, between the sodden lowland and the tumbling sea. The hills where he trod were of sand heaped high by the western winds; and the growth over them was wire-grass and thistles, […]

A Sanctuary of Trees

Story type: Literature

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The Baron d’Azan was old–older even than his seventy years. His age showed by contrast as he walked among his trees. They were fresh and flourishing, full of sap and vigor, though many of them had been born long before him. The tracts of forest which still belonged to his diminished estate were crowded with […]

The Guest, who came from beyond the lake, had lived in the house for years and had the freedom of it, so that he had become quite like a member of the family. He was friendly treated and well lodged. Indeed, some thought he had the best room of all, for though it was in […]

Justice of the Elements

Story type: Literature

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So the Criminal with a Crown came to the end of his resources. He had told his last lie, but not even his servants would believe it. He had made his last threat, but no living soul feared it. He had put forth his last stroke of violence and cruelty, but it fell short. When […]

Ashes of Vengeance

Story type: Literature

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Dun was a hard little city, proud and harsh; but impregnable because it was built upon a high rock. The host of the Visigoths had besieged it for months in vain. Then came a fugitive from the city, at midnight, to the tent of Alaric, the Chief of the besiegers. The man was haggard and […]

A Remembered Dream

Story type: Literature

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This is the story of a dream that came to me some five-and-twenty years ago. It is as vivid in memory as anything that I have ever seen in the outward world, as distinct as any experience through which I have ever passed. Not all dreams are thus remembered. But some are. In the records […]

A City of Refuge

Story type: Literature

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In the dark autumn of 1914 the City sprang up almost in a night, as if by enchantment. It was white magic that called it into being–the deep, quiet, strong impulse of compassion and protection that moved the motherly heart of Holland when she saw the hundreds of thousands of Belgian fugitives pouring out of […]

Antwerp Road

Story type: Literature

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Along the straight, glistening road, through a dim arcade of drooping trees, a tunnel of faded green and gold, dripping with the misty rain of a late October afternoon, a human tide was flowing, not swiftly, but slowly, with the patient, pathetic slowness of weary feet, and numb brains, and heavy hearts. Yet they were […]