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269 Works of Henry Van Dyke

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Story type: Literature

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The village of Samaria in the central part of the State of Connecticut resembled the royal city of Israel, after which it was named, in one point only. It was perched upon the top of a hill, encircled by gentle valleys which divided it from an outer ring of hills still more elevated, almost mountainous. […]

Some Remarks On Gulls

Story type: Literature

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WITH A FOOT-NOTE ON A FISH I CITY GULLS The current estimate of the sea-gull as an intellectual force is compressed into the word “gullibility”–a verbal monument of contempt. But when we think how many things the gull does that we cannot do–how he has mastered the arts of flying and floating, so that he […]

The Art Of Leaving Off

Story type: Literature

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It was a hot August Sunday, one of those days on which art itself must not be made too long lest it should shorten life. A little company of us had driven down from our hotel on the comparatively breezy hill to attend church in the village. The majority chose to pay their devotions at […]

The Keeper of the Light

Story type: Literature

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At long distance, looking over the blue waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence in clear weather, you might think that you saw a lonely sea-gull, snow-white, perching motionless on a cobble of gray rock. Then, as your boat drifted in, following the languid tide and the soft southern breeze, you would perceive that the […]

A Year of Nobility

Story type: Literature

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I ENTER THE MARQUIS The Marquis sat by the camp-fire peeling potatoes. To look at him, you never would have taken him for a marquis. His costume was a pair of corduroy trousers; a blue flannel shirt, patched at elbows with gray; lumberman’s boots, flat-footed, shapeless, with loose leather legs strapped just below the knee, […]

A Friend of Justice

Story type: Literature

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I It was the black patch over his left eye that made all the trouble. In reality he was of a disposition most peaceful and propitiating, a friend of justice and fair dealing, strongly inclined to a domestic life, and capable of extreme devotion. He had a vivid sense of righteousness, it is true, and […]

The White Blot

Story type: Literature

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I The real location of a city house depends upon the pictures which hang upon its walls. They are its neighbourhood and its outlook. They confer upon it that touch of life and character, that power to beget love and bind friendship, which a country house receives from its surrounding landscape, the garden that embraces […]

The Gentle Life

Story type: Literature

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Do you remember that fair little wood of silver birches on the West Branch of the Neversink, somewhat below the place where the Biscuit Brook runs in? There is a mossy terrace raised a couple of feet above the water of a long, still pool; and a very pleasant spot for a friendship-fire on the […]

A Brave Heart

Story type: Literature

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“That was truly his name, m’sieu’–Raoul Vaillantcoeur–a name of the fine sound, is it not? You like that word,–a valiant heart,– it pleases you, eh! The man who calls himself by such a name as that ought to be a brave fellow, a veritable hero? Well, perhaps. But I know an Indian who is called […]

A Lover of Music

Story type: Literature

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I He entered the backwoods village of Bytown literally on the wings of the wind. It whirled him along like a big snowflake, and dropped him at the door of Moody’s “Sportsmen’s Retreat,” as if he were a New Year’s gift from the North Pole. His coming seemed a mere chance; but perhaps there was […]

The Reward of Virtue

Story type: Literature

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I When the good priest of St. Gerome christened Patrick Mullarkey, he lent himself unconsciously to an innocent deception. To look at the name, you would think, of course, it belonged to an Irishman; the very appearance of it was equal to a certificate of membership in a Fenian society But in effect, from the […]

Salvage Point

Story type: Literature

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The Hermanns built their house at the very end of the island, five or six miles from the more or less violently rustic “summer-cottages” which adorned the hills and bluffs around the native village of Winterport. There was a long point running out to the southward at the mouth of the great bay, rough and […]

There was a Boy in Nazareth long ago whose after-life was wonderful, and whose story is written in the heart of mankind. His birth was predicted in dreams foretelling marvellous things of him, and in later years there were many true visions wherein he played a wondrous part. Did he not also dream, in the […]

“I am sick of all this,” said the Great Author, sweeping his hand over the silver-laden dinner-table. He seemed to include in his gesture the whole house and the broad estate surrounding it. “It bores me, and I don’t believe it can be right.” His wife, at the other end of the table, shining in […]

On December twenty-fifth, 1918, that little white house in the park was certainly the happiest dwelling in Calvinton. It was simply running over with Christmas. You see, there had come to it a most wonderful present, a surprise full of tears and laughter. Captain Walter Mayne reached home on Christmas Eve. For a while they […]

Diana And The Lions

Story type: Literature

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In the darkest hour before the dawn, Diana floated away from her Garden Tower and came down between the Lions on the Library Steps. At first, she did not know they were Lions. She thought they were Cats, and so she was afraid. For she was very lightly clad; and (except in Egypt) Cats are […]

A Classic Instance

Story type: Literature

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“Latin and Greek are dead,” said Hardman, lean, eager, absolute, a fanatic of modernity. “They have been a long while dying, and this war has finished them. We see now that they are useless in the modern world. Nobody is going to waste time in studying them. Education must be direct and scientific. Train men […]

The Commandant of the Marine Hospital was at his desk, working hard, when the door of the room was flung open and the Officer of the Day rushed in. “Sir,” he exploded, “the New Era has come.” “Very likely, Mr. Corker,” answered the Commandant. “It has been coming continually since the world began. But is […]

Sketches of Quebec

Story type: Literature

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If you love a certain country, for its natural beauty, or for the friends you have made there, or for the happy days you have passed within its borders, you are troubled and distressed when that country comes under criticism, suspicion, and reproach. It is just as it would be if a woman who had […]

I THE MEETING AT THE SPRING Along the old Roman road that crosses the rolling hills from the upper waters of the Marne to the Meuse a soldier of France was passing in the night. In the broader pools of summer moonlight he showed as a hale and husky fellow of about thirty years, with […]