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269 Works of Henry Van Dyke

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A modern verse-sequence, showing how a native American subject, strictly realistic, may be treated in various manners adapted to the requirements of different magazines, thus combining Art-for-Art’s-Sake with Writing-for-the-Market. Read at the First Dinner of the American Periodical Publishers’ Association, in Washington, April, 1904. I THE ANTI-TRUST CLAM For McClure’s Magazine The clam that once, […]

A Fairy Tale

Story type: Poetry

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For the Mark Twain Dinner, December 5, 1905 Some three-score years and ten ago A prince was born at Florida, Mo.; And though he came incognito, With just the usual yells of woe, The watchful fairies seemed to know Precisely what the row meant; For when he was but five days old, (December fifth as […]

Recited at the Century Club, New York: Twelfth Night. 1906 Come all ye good Centurions and wise men of the times, You’ve made a Poet Laureate, now you must hear his rhymes. Extend your ears and I’ll respond by shortening up my tale:– Man cannot live by verse alone, he must have cakes and ale. […]

For the St. Nicholas Society of New York Among the earliest saints of old, before the first Hegira, I find the one whose name we hold, St. Nicholas of Myra: The best-beloved name, I guess, in sacred nomenclature,– The patron-saint of helpfulness, and friendship, and good-nature. A bishop and a preacher too, a famous theologian, […]

Ars Agricolaris

Story type: Poetry

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An Ode for the “Farmer’s Dinner,” University Club, New York, January 23, 1913 All hail, ye famous Farmers! Ye vegetable-charmers, Who know the art of making barren earth Smile with prolific mirth And bring forth twins or triplets at a birth! Ye scientific fertilizers of the soil, And horny-handed sons of toil! To-night from all […]

Oh, the angler’s path is a very merry way, And his road through the world is bright; For he lives with the laughing stream all day, And he lies by the fire at night. Sing hey nonny, ho nonny And likewise well-a-day! The angler’s life is a very jolly life And that’s what the anglers […]

I never seen no “red gods”; I dunno wot’s a “lure”; But if it’s sumpin’ takin’, then Spring has got it sure; An’ it doesn’t need no Kiplins, ner yet no London Jacks, To make up guff about it, w’ile settin’ in their shacks. It’s sumpin’ very simple ‘at happens in the Spring, But it […]

For Archie Rutledge Here’s a half-a-dozen flies, Just about the proper size For the trout of Dickey’s Run,– Luck go with them every one! Dainty little feathered beauties, Listen now, and learn your duties: Not to tangle in the box; Not to catch on logs or rocks, Boughs that wave or weeds that float, Nor […]

I love the hour that comes, with dusky hair And dewy feet, along the Alpine dells To lead the cattle forth. A thousand bells Go chiming after her across the fair And flowery uplands, while the rosy flare Of sunset on the snowy mountain dwells, And valleys darken, and the drowsy spells Of peace are […]

‘Tis fine to see the Old World, and travel up and down Among the famous palaces and cities of renown, To admire the crumbly castles and the statues of the kings,– But now I think I’ve had enough of antiquated things. So it’s home again, and home again, America for me I My heart is […]

Late Spring

Story type: Poetry

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I Ah, who will tell me, in these leaden days, Why the sweet Spring delays, And where she hides,–the dear desire Of every heart that longs For bloom, and fragrance, and the ruby fire Of maple-buds along the misty hills, And that immortal call which fills The waiting wood with songs? The snow-drops came so […]

Francis Makemie

Story type: Poetry

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(Presbyter of Christ in America, 1683-1708) To thee, plain hero of a rugged race, We bring the meed of praise too long delayed! Thy fearless word and faithful work have made For God’s Republic firmer path and place In this New World: thou hast proclaimed the grace And power of Christ in many a forest […]

Who knows how many thousand years ago The twelvefold Zodiac was made to show The course of stars above and men below? The great sun plows his furrow by its “lines”: From all its “houses” mystic meaning shines: Deep lore of life is written in its “signs.” Aries–Sacrifice. Snow-white and sacred is the sacrifice That […]

Two Schools

Story type: Poetry

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I put my heart to school In the world, where men grow wise, “Go out,” I said, “and learn the rule; “Come back when you win a prize.” My heart came back again: “Now where is the prize?” I cried.– “The rule was false, and the prize was pain, “And the teacher’s name was Pride.” […]

Many a tree is found in the wood And every tree for its use is good: Some for the strength of the gnarled root, Some for the sweetness of flower or fruit; Some for shelter against the storm, And some to keep the hearth-stone warm; Some for the roof, and some for the beam, And […]

The Distant Road

Story type: Poetry

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Blessed is the man that beholdeth the face of a friend in a far country, The darkness of his heart is melted by the dawning of day within him, It is like the sound of a sweet music heard long ago and half forgotten: It is like the coming back of birds to a wood […]

The Welcome Tent

Story type: Poetry

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This is the thanksgiving of the weary, The song of him that is ready to rest. It is good to be glad when the day is declining, And the setting of the sun is like a word of peace. The stars look kindly on the close of a journey, The tent says welcome when the […]

I will sing of the bounty of the big trees, They are the green tents of the Almighty, He hath set them up for comfort and for shelter. Their cords hath he knotted in the earth, He hath driven their stakes securely, Their roots take hold of the rocks like iron. He sendeth into their […]

The rivers of God are full of water, They are wonderful in the renewal of their strength, He poureth them out from a hidden fountain. They are born among the hills in the high places, Their cradle is in the bosom of the rocks, The mountain is their mother and the forest is their father. […]

The ways of the world are full of haste and turmoil; I will sing of the tribe of the helpers who travel in peace. He that turneth from the road to rescue another, Turneth toward his goal: He shall arrive in time by the foot-path of mercy, God will be his guide. He that taketh […]