15 Works of Francis Hopkinson
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To yonder new made grave I’ll go,And there indulge my swelling grief:There shall the tears of friendship flow,And give my wounded heart relief. To yonder grave, oh! muse, repair,And whilst I breathe my tender sighs,Attune thy plaintive lyre, for thereThe lov’d, the lost Maria lies. Blest be the ground where thou art laid;Let no unhallow’d […]
Fair was her form, serene her mind,Her heart and hopes were fix’d on high:Her hand beneficent and kindOft wip’d the tear from sorrow’s eye.The sweets of friendship soften’d care;Love, peace, and joy, her soul possest:Meekness perfum’d each rising pray’r;And ev’ry rising pray’r was blest.In heav’n we trust, her fainted spirit singsGlad Hallelujahs to the King […]
Date Obolum Bellesario[Written after the defeat of Burgoyne in Octboer, 1777] As I travell’d o’er the plain,About the close of day,I chanc’d to wander in a lane,A lane of mire and clay. ‘Twas there a dirty drab I saw,All seated on the ground,With oaken staff and hat of straw,And tatters hanging round. At my approach […]
A war broke out in former days,If all is true that AEsop says,Between the birds that haunt the grove,And beasts that wild in forests rove:Of fowl that swim in water clear,Of birds that mount aloft in air;From ev’ry tribe vast numbers came,To fight for freedom, as for fame:The beasts from dens and caverns deep,From valleys […]
Gracious Address Of Admiral Collier And General Tryon To People Of Conn
Story type: PoetryTHE MOST GRACIOUS ADDRESS OF ADMIRAL Collier AND GENERAL Tryon TO THE PEOPLE OF Connecticut.-July, 1779. What can ye hope, rebellious crew,But vengeance dire to traitors due;Whilst you support this insurrection,Refusing to our king subjection?Why so ungen’rous, so unkind?Why to your own true int’rest blind?‘Tis fact–and take it on our word,If you’ll submit to George […]
Sing to his shade a solemn strain,Let music’s notes complain;Let echo tell from shore to shore,The swain of Schuylkill is no more. Air. From Scotia’s land he came,And brought the pleasing artTo raise the sacred flameThat warms a feeling heart. The magic pow’rs of sound,Obey at his command,And spread sweet influence round,Wak’d by his skilful […]
I. Come, fair Rosina, come away,Long since stern Winter’s storms have ceas’d;See! Nature, in her best array,Invites us to her rural feast:The season shall her treasure spread,Her mellow fruits and harvests brown,Her flowers their richest odours shed,And ev’ry breeze pour fragrance down. II. At noon we’ll seek the wild wood’s shade,And o’er the pathless verdure […]
As I sat by the fire, the newspaper read,And waited for breakfast, my wife being in bed;It came in my mind that I could not do betterThan to call for some paper, and write you a letter.‘Tis true I have nothing material to say,But will mention what incidents fell in my way;Our leaving Newcastle, and […]
I. The traveller benighted and lost,O’er the mountains pursues his lone way;The stream is all candy’d with frostAnd the icicle hangs on the spray,He wanders in hope some kind shelter to find“whilst thro’ the sharp hawthorn keen blows the cold wind.” II. The tempest howls dreary aroundAnd rends the tall oak in its flight;Fast falls […]
I. My love is gone to sea,Whilst I his absence mourn,No joy shall smile on meUntil my love return.He ask’d me for his bride,And many vows he swore;I blush’d—-and soon comply’d,My heart was his before. II. One little month was past,And who so blest as we!The summons came at last,And Jemmy must to sea.I saw […]
I. Beneath a weeping willow’s shadeShe sat and sang alone;Her hand upon her heart she loadAnd plaintive was her moan.The mock bird sat upon a boughAnd list’ned to her lay,Then to the distant hills he boreThe dulcet notes away. II. Fond echo to her strains reply’d,The winds her sorrows bore;Adieu! dear youth–adieu! she cry’d,I ne’er […]
I. Enraptur’d I gaze when my Delia is by,And drink the sweet poison of love from her eye;I feel the soft passion pervade ev’ry partAnd pleasure unusual plays round my fond heart. II. I hear her sweet voice, and am charm’d with her song–I think I could hear her sweet voice all day long;My senses […]
I. See down Maria’s blushing cheekThe tears of soft compassion flow;Those tears a yielding heart bespeak–A heart that feels for others’ woe.May not those drops, that frequent fall,To my fond hope propitious prove,The heart that melts at Pity’s callWill own the softer voice of love. II. Earth ne’er produced a gem so rareNor wealthy ocean’s […]
O’er the hills far away, at the birth of the morn.I hear the full tone of the sweet sounding horn;The sportsmen with shottings all hail the new dayAnd swift run the hounds o’er the hills far away.Across the deep valley their course they pursueAnd rush thro’ the thicket yet silver’d with dew;Nor hedges nor ditches […]
I. My gen’rous heart disdainsThe slave of love to be,I scorn his servile chains,And boast my liberty.This whiningAnd piningAnd wasting with care,Are not to my taste, be she ever so fair. II. Shall a girl’s capricious frownSink my noble spirits down?Shall a face of white and redMake me droop my silly head?Shall I set me […]