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23 Works of Eustace Budgell

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No. 325Thursday, March 13, 1712. Budgell. Quid frustra Simulacra fugacia captas?Quod petis, est nusquam: quod amas avertere, perdes.Ista repercussae quam cernis imaginis umbra est,Nil habet ista sui; tecum venitque, manetque,Tecum discedet si tu discedere possis. Ovid. WILL. HONEYCOMB diverted us last Night with an Account of a young Fellows first discovering his Passion to his […]

No. 319.Thursday, March 6, 1712. Budgell. Quo teneam vultus mutantem Protea nodo? Hor. I have endeavoured, in the Course of my Papers, to do Justice to the Age, and have taken care as much as possible to keep my self a Neuter between both Sexes. I have neither spared the Ladies out of Complaisance, nor […]

Those who have searched into human nature, observe that nothing so much shews the nobleness of the soul as that its felicity consists in action. Every man has such an active principle in him, that he will find out something to employ himself upon, in whatever place or state of life he is posted. I […]