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24 Works of Ellis Parker Butler

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Our First Burglar

Story type: Literature

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When our new suburban house was completed I took Sarah out to see it, and she liked it all but the stairs. “Edgar,” she said, when she had ascended to the second floor, “I don’t know whether it is imagination or not, but it seems to me that these stairs are funny, some way. I […]

Thin Santa Claus

Story type: Literature

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The Chicken Yard That Was a Christmas Stocking Mrs. Gratz opened her eyes and looked out at the drizzle that made the Christmas morning gray. Her bed stood against the window, and it was easy for her to look out; all she had to do was to roll over and pull the shade aside. Having […]

Dey Ain’t No Ghosts

Story type: Literature

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ONCE ‘pon a time dey was a li’l black boy whut he name was Mose. An’ whin he come erlong to be ’bout knee-high to a mewel, he ‘gin to git powerful ‘fraid ob ghosts, ‘ca’se dey’s a grabeyard in de hollow, an’ a buryin’-ground on de hill, an’ a cemuntary in betwixt an’ between, […]

"Pigs Is Pigs"

Story type: Literature

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Mike Flannery, the Westcote agent of the Interurban Express Company, leaned over the counter of the express office and shook his fist. Mr. Morehouse, angry and red, stood on the other side of the counter, trembling with rage. The argument had been long and heated, and at last Mr. Morehouse had talked himself speechless. The […]