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29 Works of Elizabeth Brightwen

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If I once begin to speak about these winning, confiding little birds, I shall hardly know when to stop. There can scarcely be a more delightful pet than a wild robin which has learnt to love you, and will come indoors and be your quiet companion for hours together. One can feel happy in the […]

On reading books on Egypt and the voyage up the Nile, one is sure to find some mention of the curious beetle which is found along the banks of the river, especially in Nubia, where the shore is traceried with the footprints of the busy little creature. Miss Edwards, in her very interesting book, “A […]


Story type: Essay

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Of all the varieties of “creeping things” spiders seem to be the most universally disliked. I knew well the kind of expression I should see on the faces of my friends when I produced the box which contained my pet Tegenaria, a large black spider, long-legged and very swift, a well-known kind of house-spider. Happily […]

Rab, Minor

Story type: Essay

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This familiar name recalls the delightful story of “Rab and his Friends” in “Horae Subsicivae,” with its naive description of a very original “tyke” of a doggie–a biography which had so lived in my recollection that when a queer little fluffy dumpling of a puppy was given me I could not help giving it the […]

There is an old and true saying–“Everything comes to him who waits.” I thought of this saying while on my way to visit the well-known place near the London Docks where Mr. Jamrach is supposed to keep almost every rare animal, bird, and reptile, ready to supply the wants of all customers at a moment’s […]

On wintry mornings, when leaf and twig are decked with hoar-frost and the ground is hard and dry, affording no food for the birds, it is a piteous sight to see them cowering under the evergreens with ruffled feathers, evidently starving and miserable, quietly waiting for the death that must overtake many of them unless […]

After slight intimacies with various robins who were visitors to the conservatory and found their way in and out at the open windows, I was led to special friendship with a brown-coated young bird I used often to see close to the open French window where I was sitting. He was coaxed into the room […]

There is all the difference between taking a walk simply for exercise, for some special errand, or to enjoy conversation with one’s friends, and the sort of quiet observant stroll I am going to ask my kind readers to take with me to-day. This beautiful world is full of wonders of every kind, full of […]

The most delightful of all pets are the birds one has taken the pains to rear from the nest; they never miss the freedom of outdoor life, they hardly know what fear is, they become devotedly attached to the one who feeds and educates them, and all their winsome ways seem developed by the love […]