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9 Works of David Cory

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The Coral Palace

Story type: Literature

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“Why, the ocean is full of cracked ice!” exclaimed Mary Louise, as she and the mermaid rose to the surface and looked about them. “I wonder what it was that caused such a tremendous crash?” “Perhaps the Whale Ice Trust is after a big ice supply,” replied the mermaid with a laugh. “The ocean depths […]

The Magic Comb

Story type: Literature

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One bright morning in August little Mary Louise put on her hat and went trudging across the meadow to the beach. It was the first time she had been trusted out alone since the family had moved to the seashore for the summer; for Mary Louise was a little girl, nothing about her was large, […]

King Seaphus

Story type: Literature

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The great dining hall of King Seaphus was considered by all the inhabitants of Merland–that is, all those who had been lucky enough to have seen its splendor–to be the most magnificent of its kind anywhere. The dining table, or banquet board, as it was called, was made of mother-of-pearl. The pale, shimmery cloth was […]


Story type: Literature

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For a few minutes Mary Louise felt quite lonely. Presently she asked the Polar Bear to be kind enough to land her on the nearest shore. At once the big kind animal trimmed in his sail and before long they entered a beautiful bay whose dark waters were dotted with the white sails of the […]


Story type: Literature

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King Seaphus waited anxiously as the knocking on the castle door continued. “Billows and breakers,” he exclaimed again, expectantly waiting for the visitor or visitors to be announced. Just as his impatience was nearly exhausted, a court page appeared escorting a Polar Bear and a Star Fish. Mary Louise at once recognized the former as […]

Toy Land

Story type: Literature

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Now, when Mary Louise and the little white sailor duck woke up in the land of Nod, they both rubbed their eyes to make sure who stood there dressed in pink pajamas and little starry crown. It was the little Dream God. In his hand he carried a silver wand, in the handle of which […]

Candy City

Story type: Literature

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Just then a little bird began to sing: “In the valley, green and neat,I see the print of little feet,And way, way yonder in the glenI see a host of little men.” “Dear me!” sighed Mary Louise. “I am too tired to walk any further.” “Jump on my back!” cried a happy voice, and up […]

The Magic Seeds

Story type: Literature

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Little Mary Louise placed the ring upon her finger and then bidding the Prince good-by turned her steps as she thought, towards home. But she had gone but a short way when she came to a funny little dwarf tugging at a great sunflower, and every once in a while he’d shake the stalk until […]

The Enchanted Prince

Story type: Literature

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“Would you like to land on the island?” asked the old sailor who seemed in no wise surprised that an island should suddenly come up out of the sea. “Yes,” gasped little Mary Louise, “it may be a wonderful place. I certainly saw strange things beneath the water.” “To be sure you did,” replied the […]