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119 Works of Charles G. Leland

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(Micmac.) Of old time. Now when it was noised abroad that whoever besought Glooskap could obtain the desire of his heart, there were three men who said among themselves, “Let us seek the Master.” So they left their home in the early spring when the bluebird first sang, and walked till the fall frosts, and […]

Of old time it befell that Glooskap had an enemy, an evil man, a sinful beast, a great sorcerer. And this man, after trying many things, made himself a great serpent, hoping so to slay the Master. Of old time Glooskap met a boy whose name was ‘Nmmokswess, the Sable. [Footnote: Evidently no other than […]

The Tale of Glooskap As Told By Another Indian. Showing How the Toad and Porcupine lost their Noses. (Micmac.) In the old time. Far before men knew themselves, in the light before the sun, Glooskap and his brother were as yet unborn; they waited for the day to appear. Then they talked together, and the […]

(Passamaquoddy.) You know At-o-sis, the Snake? Well, the worst of all is Rattlesnake. Long time ago the Rattlesnakes were saucy Indians. They were very saucy. They had too much face. They could not be put down by much, and they got up for very little. When the great Flood was coming Glooskap told them about […]

How Glooskap Bound Wuchowsen, the Great Wind-bird, and Made All the Waters in all the World Stagnant. (Passamaquoddy.) The Indians believe in a great bird called by them Wochowsen or Wuchowsen, meaning Wind-Blow or the Wind-Blower, who lives far to the North, and sits upon a great rock at the end of the sky. And […]

How Glooskcap conquered the Great Bull-Frog, and in what Manner all the Pollywogs, Crabs, Leeches, and other Water Creatures were created. (Passamaquoddy and Micmac.) N’karnayoo, of old times, there was an Indian village far away among the mountains, little known to other men. And the dwellers therein were very comfortable: the men hunted every day, […]

how the Lord of Men and Beasts Strove with the Mighty Wasis, and Was shamefully defeated. (Penobscot.) Now it came to pass when Glooskap had conquered all his enemies, even the Kewahqu’, who were giants and sorcerers, and the m’teoulin, who were magicians, and the Pamola, who is the evil spirit of the night air, […]

How the Great Glooskap Fought the Giant Sorcerers At Saco, and turned them into Fish. (Penobscot.) N’karnayoo, of old times: Woodenit atok hagen Glusgahbe. This is a story of Glooskap (P.) There was a father who had three sons and a daughter: they were m’teoulin, or mighty magicians; they were giants; they ate men, women, […]

How Glooskap Went to England and France, and Was the First to Make America known to the Europeans. (Passamaquoddy.) There was an Indian woman: she was a Woodchuck (Mon-in-kwess, P.). She had lost a boy; she always thought of him. Once there came to her a strange boy; he called her mother. He had a […]

How Glooskap Is Making Arrows, and Preparing for a Great Battle. The Twilight of the Indian Gods. (Passamaquoddy.) “Is Glooskap living yet?” “Yes, far away; no one knows where. Some say he sailed away in his stone canoe beyond the sea, to the east, but he will return in it one day; others, that he […]

In the long ago time when people lived always in the early red morning, before sunrise, before the Squid to neck was peopled as to-day, Glooskap went very far north, where all was ice. He came to a wigwam. Therein he found a giant, a great giant, for he was Winter. Glooskap entered; he sat […]

Of the Surprising and Singular Adventures of two Water Fairies who were also Weasels, and how they each became the Bride of a Star. Including the Mysterious and Wonderful Works of Lox, the Great Indian Devil, who rose from the Dead. (Micmac and Passamaquoddy.) Wee-zig-yik-keseyook. “Of old times.” Far back in the forest, by a […]

(Passamaquoddy.) Of old times it came to pass that Master Lox, the Wolverine, or Indian Devil, he who was slain many times and as often rose from the dead, found himself deeply down in luck; for he was crossing a wide and dismal heath in winter-time, being but poorly provided in any way for travel. […]

How Master Lox Played a Trick On Mrs. Bear, Who Lost Her Eyesight and had her eyes opened. (Micmac.) Don’t live with mean people if you can help it. They will turn your greatest sorrow to their own account if they can. Bad habit gets to be devilish second nature. One dead herring is not […]

(Passamaquoddy.) Kusk, the Crane, had two brothers. One of these was Lox, the Wolverine, or Indian Devil. And his other brother was Koskomines, the Blue Jay. Kusk was very lazy, and one day, being hungry, thought he would go and get a dinner from Lox. Lox served him a kind of pudding-soup in a broad, […]

how Master Lox As a Raccoon Killed the Bear and the Black Cats and performed other Notable Feats of Skill, all to his Great Discredit. (Passamaquoddy.) Now of old time there is a tale of Hespuns, the Raccoon, according to the Passamaquoddy Indians, but by another record it is Master Lox, to whom all Indian […]

(Micmac and Passamaquoddy.) Somewhere in the forest lived Lox, with a small boy, his brother. When winter came they went far into the woods to hunt. And going on, they reached at last a very large and beautiful lake. It was covered with water-fowl. There were wild geese and brant, black ducks and wood-ducks, and […]

The Mischief Maker. a Tradition of the Origin of the Mythology of the Senecas. A Lox Legend. (Seneca.) An Indian mischief maker was once roving about. He saw that he was approaching a village, and said, “How can I attract attention?” Seeing two girls coming from the wigwams, he pulled up a wild plum-bush and […]

How Lox Told A Lie

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(Passamaquoddy.) Lox had a brother, who had married a red squaw. When she was touched the red color rubbed off. The brother kept this wife in a box. One day, returning, the brother saw that Lox had red fingers. “Aha!” he cried, in a rage, “you have taken my wife out of the box.” But […]

[AMAZING ADVENTURES OF MASTER RABBIT WITH THE OTTER, THE WOODPECKER GIRLS, AND MOOIN THE BEAR ALSO A FULL ACCOUNT OF THE FAMOUS CHASE, IN WHICH HE FOOLED LUSIFEE, THE WILD CAT] I. How Master Rabbit sought to rival Keeoony, the Otter . Of old times, Mahtigwess, the Rabbit, who is called in the Micmac tongue […]