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44 Works of Carolyn Sherwin Bailey

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The Birthday Present

Story type: Literature

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One afternoon, as Mother sat out on the long porch paring apples, the children came running in. There were Cousin Pen, who was visiting at the farm, and Brother Fred, and little Ben, and they all began to talk at the same time. “To-morrow is Grandmother’s birthday,” they cried. “What can we give her for […]

The Prickly Bush

Story type: Literature

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It was the only growing thing in the whole, beautiful garden that was prickly. It stood beside the sunny path, so low that the white rabbit could jump over it. It longed to spread its branches across the path to be touched by the gardener and the children, but no one cared to go very […]

Birthday Of The Infanta

Story type: Literature

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It was the birthday of the Infanta. She was just twelve years old, and the sun shone brightly in the garden of the palace. On ordinary days, she was only allowed to play with children of her own rank, but on this, her birthday, the King had given orders that she was to invite any […]

The Magic Saucepan

Story type: Literature

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(Adapted from Juliana Horatio Ewing) A long time ago, in the days of the fairies and other little folk, there lived a housewife who was very stingy indeed. She thought only of her own cupboard and meals, and never of the needs of her neighbors. When she did give alms it was a dry loaf […]