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60 Works of August Strindberg

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CHARACTERS MR. X., an archeologistMR. Y., a traveller from America Both middle-aged [SCENE–Simple room in a country house; door and window at back, through which one sees a country landscape. In the middle of the room a large dining table; on one side of it books and writing materials and on the other side some […]

TRANSLATED FROM THE SWEDISH, WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY EDWIN BJORKMAN INTRODUCTION This is one of the three plays which Strindberg placed at the head of his dramatic production during the middle ultra-naturalistic period, the other two being “The Father” and “Miss Julia.” It is, in many ways, one of the strongest he ever produced. Its rarely […]

Facing Death

Story type: Theater

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CHARACTERS MONSIEUR DURAND, a pension proprietor, formerly connected with thestate railroadADELE, his daughter, twenty-sevenANNETTE, his daughter, twenty-fourTHERESE, his daughter, twenty-fourANTONIO, a lieutenant in an Italian cavalry regiment in FrenchSwitzerland in the eightiesPIERRE, an errand boy [SCENE–A dining-room with a long table. Through the open door is seen, over the tops of churchyard cypress trees, Lake […]

TRANSLATED WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY EDWIN BJOeRKMAN INTRODUCTION The volume containing the translation of “There Are Crimes and Crimes” had barely reached the public when word came across the ocean that August Strindberg had ended his long fight with life. His family had long suspected some serious organic trouble. Early in the year, when lie had […]

The Stronger

Story type: Theater

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Translator: Edith and Warner Oland CHARACTERS MME. X., an actress, marriedMLLE. Y., an actress, unmarriedA WAITRESS [SCENE–The corner of a ladies’ cafe. Two little iron tables, a red velvet sofa, several chairs. Enter Mme. X., dressed in winter clothes, carrying a Japanese basket on her arm.] [MLLE. Y. sits with a half empty beer bottle […]

Countess Julie

Story type: Theater

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CHARACTERS COUNTESS JULIE, twenty-five years oldJEAN, a valet, thirtyKRISTIN, a cook, thirty-fiveFARM SERVANTS The action takes place on Saint John’s night, the mid-summer festival surviving from pagan times. [SCENE.–A large kitchen. The ceiling and walls are partially covered by draperies and greens. The back wall slants upward from left side of scene. On back wall, […]

The Breadwinner

Story type: Literature

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He wakes up in the morning from evil dreams of bills which have become due and copy which has not been delivered. His hair is damp with cold perspiration, and his cheeks tremble as he dresses himself. He listens to the chirruping of the children in the next room and plunges his burning face into […]


Story type: Literature

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He had just completed his thirteenth year when his mother died. He felt that he had lost a real friend, for during the twelve months of her illness he had come to know her personally, as it were, and established a relationship between them which is rare between parents and children. He was a clever […]

Love And Bread

Story type: Literature

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The assistant had not thought of studying the price of wheat before he called on the major to ask him for the hand of his daughter; but the major had studied it. “I love her,” said the assistant. “What’s your salary?” said the old man. “Well, twelve hundred crowns, at present; but we love one […]

Compelled To

Story type: Literature

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Punctually at half past nine on a winter evening he appears at the door leading to the glass-roofed verandah of the restaurant. While, with mathematical precision, he takes off his gloves, he peers over his dim spectacles, first to the right, then to the left, to find out whether any of his acquaintances are present. […]


Story type: Literature

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He was considered a genius at College, and no one doubted that he would one day distinguish himself. But after passing his examinations, he was obliged to go to Stockholm and look out for a berth. His dissertation, which was to win him the doctor’s degree, had to be postponed. As he was very ambitious, […]

Unnatural Selection

Story type: Literature

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OR THE ORIGIN OF RACE The Baron had read in The Slaves of Life with disgust and indignation that the children of the aristocracy were bound to perish unless they took the mothers’ milk from the children of the lower classes. He had read Darwin and believed that the gist of his teaching was that […]


Story type: Literature

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His eyes had been opened. He realised the perversity of the world, but he lacked the power to penetrate the darkness and discover the cause of this perversity; therefore he gave himself up to despair, a disillusioned man. Then he fell in love with a girl who married somebody else. He complained of her conduct […]

A Natural Obstacle

Story type: Literature

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Her father had insisted on her learning book-keeping, so that she might escape the common lot of young womanhood; to sit there and wait for a husband. She was now employed as book-keeper in the goods department of the Railways, and was universally looked upon as a very capable young woman. She had a way […]

An Attempt At Reform

Story type: Literature

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She had noticed with indignation that girls were solely brought up to be housekeepers for their future husbands. Therefore she had learnt a trade which would enable her to keep herself in all circumstances of life. She made artificial flowers. He had noticed with regret that girls simply waited for a husband who should keep […]

Romeo And Julia

Story type: Literature

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One evening the husband came home with a roll of music under his arm and said to his wife: “Let us play duets after supper!” “What have you got there?” asked his wife. “Romeo and Julia, arranged for the piano. Do you know it?” “Yes, of course I do,” she replied, “but I don’t remember […]


Story type: Literature

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The wild strawberries were getting ripe when he met her for the first time at the vicarage. He had met many girls before, but when he saw her he knew; this was she! But he did not dare to tell her so, and she only teased him for he was still at school. He was […]

A Doll’s House

Story type: Literature

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They had been married for six years, but they were still more like lovers than husband and wife. He was a captain in the navy, and every summer he was obliged to leave her for a few months; twice he had been away on a long voyage. But his short absences were a blessing in […]


Story type: Literature

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He was a supernumerary at the Board of Trade and drew a salary of twelve hundred crowns. He had married a young girl without a penny; for love, as he himself said, to be no longer compelled to go to dances and run about the streets, as his friends maintained. But be that as it […]

Compulsory Marriage

Story type: Literature

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His father died early and from that time forth he was in the hands of a mother, two sisters and several aunts. He had no brother. They lived on an estate in the Swedish province, Soedermanland, and had no neighbours with whom they could be on friendly terms. When he was seven years old, a […]