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105 Works of Arthur Brisbane

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It is pathetic to hear women of intelligence arguing in support of woman’s claim to “equality” with man. Of course, woman is really man’s superior in important matters. She is vastly superior morally, beyond any question. She does the greatest work in the world; she gives to earth its thinking population and creates every one […]

Why is it that comparatively few women find intense enjoyment in life after middle age? Why is it that you cannot duplicate among women such careers in old age as the careers of Spencer, Gladstone, Huxley, or any of the great men whose interest lies in mental activity and mental achievement? One reason is this: […]

A movement is started in Italy to celebrate religiously the close of the nineteenth century. The idea is to erect at different points on the Peninsula nineteen colossal statues of Christ. The statues, one for each century, are to be of cast-iron, gilded, heroic in size. There can be no objection to the idea, since […]

“Marconi has imagination without being a dreamer.” Thus Mr. Serviss gave an explanation of material achievement and material success on big lines. WITHOUT imagination a man may prosper relatively. He may live comfortably and die contented. But at best such a man will only follow in beaten paths. He will only do what others have […]

His pen is rust, his bones are dust (or soon will be), his soul is with the saints, we trust. Ruskin is to be buried in Westminster Abbey. It is a fine home for a dead man, with Chatham and his great son Pitt in one tomb, and the other great skeletons of a great […]

We’ll waste no time in proving that women, from the cradle to the grave, at all hours and all ages, are sincerely interested in their personal appearance. No man should object to this–the constitutional guarantee referring to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness covers the ground fully. But it is not enough for men […]

In the centuries to come, perhaps a thousand centuries from now, perhaps a little sooner, woman will get her chance on earth. Population will have reached its normal limit, and nature’s wise law, dealing with a really civilized race, will automatically limit children to two in each family. Schools and nurseries will be scientific and […]

There are many young men on earth who fail because they lack ambition and determination to advance. There are many more whose trouble is hasty ambition. They fail to realize their present chances in their hurried reaching out for something better. You may see in any club, pool-room or other resort for wasting time crowds […]

The Rev. David James Burrell, in “A Quiver of Arrows,” presents a very interesting parable on the benefit of trials. Here is the parable: Trials are profitable. The rough diamond cried out under the blow of the lapidary: “I am content; let me alone.” But the artisan said, as he struck another blow: “There is […]

Of all events here on earth, the greatest is the birth of a baby. Great battles are fought, won and lost. Nations and religions rise and fall. Great cities flourish to-day, and to-morrow the sand lies heavy over them. And of all these events the eternal Niagara of new babies is the first and essential […]

MIschievous stories are told about the ability of great men to do without sleep. The foolish young man reads that Napoleon slept only three or four hours at night–and he cuts down his hours of sleep. He might better open a vein and lose a pint of blood than lose the sleep, which is life […]

We wish to tell you of the monkey and the snake fight, described by a witness in the Lahore Tribune. —- Before men arrived on earth, when all the animals were racing for supremacy, the monkey seemed to have the smallest chance. No one would have guessed that the descendants of this feeble, defenseless little […]

You are standing with this writer on the edge of a stagnant pool in Northern Europe, fifty thousand years ago. The trees are strange, the life is strange. There are certain familiar things visible. For instance, on one side of the pool there is an angry mammoth, with long hair and long tusks. He is […]

Of all animals upon earth man came last. All of earth’s animal creations are bound up in man. As to the first statement there is no difference of opinion. The Bible and Darwin agree that man was created last of all the animals. Very superficial observation will convince you that man contains in his mental […]

All our fussing and fuming about little matters must end in time. It is a comfort to feel sure that the time will come when questions of wages, starvation, justice, supply and demand, finance, and all the miserable worries of to-day, from Presidential elections to the digging of sewers, will be things of the past. […]

Nothing is more common than to hear men–especially great and moral men–deplore the results of civilization, of mechanical, industrial and scientific progress. We quote a typical lament by a noble and sincere man, the Reverend Charles Wagner, author of an admirable book called “The Simple Life.” The author says: “If it had been prophesied to […]

A young man with a cold face, much nervous energy and a tired-of-the-world expression leans over the polished, silver-mounted drinking bar. You look at him and order your drink. You know what you think of him, and you think you know what he thinks of you. Did you ever stop to think of ALL THE […]

Emerson says: “Discontent is the want of self-reliance; it is infirmity of will.” Another individual, at least as solemn if not as wise as Emerson, says: “Discontent is the foundation of all human effort.” Both are right, for there are two kinds of discontent. Almost everybody is afflicted with one kind of discontent or the […]

A young man lost his money in stocks the other day and killed himself. Other young men lose heart when things go against them and drift through life helpless, useless derelicts. Let us give such men a bit of advice: Don’t let failure discourage you. Almost all the brilliantly successful characters of history have known […]

Here is a quotation from a very wise person called Aristotle. This Greek philosopher was the teacher of Alexander the Great, and incidentally he has been the teacher of millions of men since he began to talk philosophy, more than twenty centuries ago. “First of all, we must observe that in all these matters of […]