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105 Works of Arthur Brisbane

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The widow says to the mine owner: “Here he is, dead–killed working for you. Where were you when he was killed? Driving in your carriage, enjoying the difference between his EARNINGS and his PAY. Was one dollar and thirty cents per day too much to pay him for this risk? Was it too much to […]

“There be three things which are too wonderful for me; yea, four which I know not. “The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; THE WAY OF A SHIP IN THE MIDST OF THE SEA, and the way of a man with a maid.” At sunset a […]

WISELY HANDLED, IT MEANS EMANCIPATION FROM INDUSTRIAL SLAVERY. We refer again to the much discussed rule in labor unions limiting the amount of work that a man shall do in a day. As a matter of fact, in many unions no such rule exists. In some it does exist, and MUST exist. There is nothing […]

WHAT PLANS HAS THE FIVE-DOLLAR-A-DAY MAN MADE TO HELP HIS POORER FELLOW-CREATURES? Every addition within reason to wages, every reasonable reduction of working hours, must help the whole nation. Working human beings have been looked upon through the ages as slaves, either on an actual slave-owning basis or on an insufficient wage basis–which is about […]

The employes on the Paris underground railroad had a strike and have settled their strike. The terms of the settlement amaze the outside world. The terms are especially amazing to the American–and well they may be. The employes of the underground railroad in Paris are GOVERNMENT employes. Their strike inconvenienced the public, and even the […]

A letter signed “Several Democrats from St. Paul” reads, in part, as follows: “In order to convert several rank Republicans it is necessary that we should be able to explain the difference between a trust and a labor union. Will you kindly, through your columns, make a clear explanation of this distinction? Our opponents holdthat […]

The most wonderful thing in America is–what do you think? It is the absolute nullity of the man of many millions. It is the vapid colorlessness, the dull inactivity, the total lack of imagination among men whose power is unlimited. What possibilities are spread out before the man who by signing his name could set […]

Far off in the distance shines the goal of present human ambition. It is a shining, golden light. Toward that light the millions struggle, trampling each other, sacrificing everything in the harsh fight for the dollar. Here and there a preacher thunders, here and there a philosopher proses against the money struggle. But they might […]

It should not take long to convince a man fit to live in a republic that public welfare demands the support of Union Labor. No better proof of that could be asked than a spectacle presented in Chicago. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY contractors have practically locked out ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND men. The contractors […]

A prosperous and old New York merchant assures a conference of workingmen that England’s great strikes have caused that country to lose its leadership in exports of machinery. If England’s wonderful system of trades unionism has hurt its exports of machinery, if abundance of very cheap slave labor means great industrial superiority, we beg to […]

PLEASE LISTEN PATIENTLY TO A DISCUSSION OF THE LABOR UNION FROM YOUR POINT OF VIEW. We invite the merchants to consider the question of unions and of high wages from THEIR OWN point of view. If we err in our statements or conclusions we shall be glad to print replies and criticisms from responsible merchants […]

ASK YOUR FRIEND WHAT HE WOULD DO IF HE HAD A MILLION A majority of men long for a great deal of money. Each man will tell you that he is struggling along in uncongenial employment; that if he had his way his life would be arranged very differently. Put to any friend this question: […]

Many of us feel that crime is the striking feature of modern life, that this century sits among the skulls of crime’s victims, and that Father Time, after all his ages of travel, sees no improvement. But those discouraged by modern crime misunderstand the meaning of events and fail to make a just comparison between […]

How shall we approach a prison to see it fairly and to study it intelligently? Let us imagine ourselves visitors from a world outside of this. Far off in infinite space there is a small whirling planet–our earth. Little creatures move about this planet, chained to it by the force of gravity. But they MOVE […]

An old man sits at the end of his life, with money piled up on all sides of him. Years ago he was working hard. All his ability was strained to the utmost pushing back those who strove to pass him on the road up the golden mountain. He enjoyed the conflict, he enjoyed the […]

Bresci, who murdered the Italian King, is sentenced to solitary confinement for life. While you read this he sits on a narrow plank in a cell not much bigger than a sleeping-car section. If you talk to any friend about Bresci–and especially if you mention the subject to any young man inclined to be idle–call […]

The very old and very foolish saying, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” is disproved every day. Whenever you hear a man talk about “a little knowledge” ask him what he thinks about the danger of a great deal of IGNORANCE. Tell him this: “THE SCHOOLING OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, ALL TOLD DID NOT AMOUNT […]

These are days when men do their hardest work for money, when they scramble and struggle and strike each other down in the effort to reach wealth. And it is not possible to blame them. They are trying to escape from poverty, from a disaster worse than any prairie fire or other physical danger. Dire […]

We wish to discuss with our readers in this and in later editions of this newspaper the great and serious question of education. It is a question as broad as the ocean, and as deep. It is a question so vast that organized discussion of it seems hopeless. The greatest minds of the world have […]

On one single day 600 teachers, representing and devoted to the American public school system, sailed for the Philippine Islands. These 600 teachers, men and women, will do more than 6,000 or 6,000,000 soldiers could do with cannon and Gatling guns to civilize and Americanize the new possessions. They will teach the inhabitants FACTS. They […]