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105 Works of Arthur Brisbane

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Three drops of water, stranded in a crevice on the side of an inland mountain, talked in this way: First Drop–“They say there is an ocean whence we came and to which we shall return.” Second Drop–“They say we three drops are made in the image of that ocean; that as far as we go, […]

All our longings for immortality, all our plans for immortal life are based on the hope that Divine Providence will condescend to let us live in another world as we live here. Each of us wants to be himself in the future life, and to see his friends as he knew them. We want to […]

HOW CAN WE HOPE TO UNDERSTAND GOD? Is there laughter in heaven–or can nothing move the eternalheavenly calm? If mirth exists among the perpetually blissful, how must theangels laugh when in idle moments they listen to our speculationsconcerning the Divinity? They peer down at us as we look at antsdragging home a fragment of dead […]

The annual report of the gambling house at Monte Carlo shows a profit of about $5,000,000. A large collection of human beings travel from all parts of the world to Monte Carlo for the sake of giving $5,000,000 to the gambling concern there. Wherever you look on earth to-day or in the past you find […]

The notion that small things, the petty details of life, such as money getting, marriage questions, etc., are uppermost in the modern human brain is entirely false. If an editor asks: “Is marriage a failure?” he receives just so many answers, and then the interest dies out. If he asks: “Should a wife have pin […]

THE THOUGHT– To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not, rich; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never; in […]

AND SHALL WE MOVE ON TO THE SUN SOME FINE DAY? The most interesting questions are such as these: Whence did we come? Whither are we going? And, by the way, what are we? Are we of any true importance? Are we a permanent part of the universal scheme, privileged to move along through the […]

“Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said . . . . Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding.”–Job xxxviii. 1, 4. Since men have lived on earth their feeble intellects have struggled to realize the majesty of God. Succeeding nations and civilizations […]

A SUNDAY SERMON “Suffer the little children to come unto me; and forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of God.”–Mark X., 14. Jesus gave to the child its place in the world’s society. With all the power of divine authority He built around the feeblest among us a wall that has protected […]

“For that which befalleth the sons of men, befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them; as the one dieth, so dieth the other; YEA, THEY HAVE ALL ONE BREATH; SO THAT A MAN HATH NO PRE-EMINENCE ABOVE A BEAST: for all is vanity. “Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the SPIRIT […]

One of the commonest and most disagreeable sights in a big city is that of a strong, brutal human being beating a weak and overworked horse because it refuses to do what it cannot do. Brutality inflicted upon horses is atrocious. But the bad effect of such unkind treatment of animals on HUMAN CHARACTER is […]

At first the baby lies fiat on his back, eyes staring up at the ceiling. By and by he gets tired of lying on his back. DISCONTENT with his condition makes him wriggle and wriggle. At last he succeeds in turning over. If he were contented then, there would be no men on earth–only huge […]

This is an editorial which we shall merely suggest, and which each reader will write out for himself. In the Zoological Garden of New York a poor elephant has stood in chains for years. The animal was thought to be vicious, and was kept fastened tightly to one spot, that it might have no leeway […]

When Solomon was gathering his materials to build the Temple, his, large cedar trunks from Lebanon and his costly materials from everywhere, he used oxen, mules, camels. With all his wisdom, he little dreamed that the day would come when his descendants, instead of using mules and huge beasts of burden, would heat water and […]

Thought lives through the ages, flies about over the earth, and goes on visiting fresh minds, after the mind that gave it birth has gone back to dust and nothingness. An Italian wrote words to this effect: “Man is commanded to forgive his enemies. Nowhere is imposed on him the far more difficult task of […]

Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 1902. Let us be thankful first of all for one great right: The right, when dissatisfied, to SAY that we are dissatisfied, and to try to make things better. Let us be thankful that every man–with few exceptions–has a holiday to-day. However bad our national affairs may seem, let us be […]

ZANGWILL’S IDEA IS FALSE–WHY CHESS PLAYING STUNTS GENIUS Mr. Zangwill’s keen intellect, straining hard for striking pictures and word effects, sees falsely the great general of the future. He says: “The Napoleon of the future will be an epileptic chess player, carried about the field of battle on an air cushion.” In this condensed, picturesque […]

As you cross the Atlantic by the Southern route the “sighting of the Azores” is one incident of your voyage. Just before daybreak the ship is shaking and the passengers roused by the deep tones of the big steam whistle. One by one shivering forms straggle up from below, like reluctant spirits answering a premature […]

The street railroad company in the Borough of Brooklyn has just executed some leases to endure 999 years. Leases of property have also been made for the same period, though, of course, a lease of 999 years will be about as binding 999 years from now as would a lease of the great pyramid executed […]

You get tired of reading editorials in which one man, spouting from his editorial pulpit, lays down the law for you–without giving you a chance to reply or contradict. So let us write this editorial together. There you sit–the reader–in your street car, or perhaps clinging to a strap, and here we sit, impersonal editorial […]