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14 Works of Anthony Hope

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A Three-Volume Novel

Story type: Literature

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It was, I believe, mainly as a compliment to me that Miss Audrey Liston was asked to Poltons. Miss Liston and I were very good friends, and my cousin Dora Polton thought, as she informed me, that it would be nice for me to have someone I could talk to about “books and so on.” […]

“It is a most anxious thing–to be an absolute ruler,” said Duke Deodonato, “but I have made up my mind. The Doctor has convinced me (here Dr. Fusbius, Ph.D., bowed very low) that marriage is the best, noblest, wholesomest, and happiest of human conditions.” “Your Highness will remember–” began the President of the Council. “My […]

The Lady Of The Pool

Story type: Literature

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CHAPTER I A FIRM BELIEVER “I see Mr. Vansittart Merceron’s at the Court again, mamma.” “Yes, dear. Lady Merceron told me he was coming. She wanted to consult him about Charlie.” “She’s always consulting him about Charlie, and it never makes any difference.” Mrs. Bushell looked up from her needlework; her hands were full with […]

The Curate Of Poltons

Story type: Literature

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I must confess at once that at first, at least, I very much admired the curate. I am not referring to my admiration of his fine figure–six feet high and straight as an arrow–nor of his handsome, open, ingenuous countenance, or his candid blue eye, or his thick curly hair. No; what won my heart […]

The Wheel Of Love

Story type: Literature

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CHAPTER I THE VIRTUOUS HYPOCRITES AT first sight they had as little reason for being unhappy as it is possible to have in a world half full of sorrow. They were young and healthy; half a dozen times they had each declared the other more than common good-looking; they both had, and never knew what […]


Story type: Literature

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I. Neither life nor the lawn-tennis club was so full at Natterley that the news of Harry Sterling’s return had not some importance. He came back, moreover, to assume a position very different from his old one. He had left Harrow now, departing in the sweet aroma of a long score against Eton at Lord’s, […]

A Change Of Heart

Story type: Literature

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It was common knowledge that Smugg was engaged to be married. Familiarity had robbed the fact of some of its surprisingness, but there remained a substratum of wonder, not removed even by the sight of his betrothed’s photograph and the information that she was a distant relative who had been brought up with him from […]

Why Men Don’t Marry

Story type: Literature

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We were sitting around the fire at Colonel Holborow’s. Dinner was over–had, in fact, been over for some time–the hour of smoke, whisky, and confidence had arrived, and we had been telling one another the various reasons which accounted for our being unmarried, for we were all bachelors except the colonel, and he had, as […]

I must confess at once that at first, at least, I very much admired the curate. I am not referring to my admiration of his fine figure–six feet high and straight as an arrow–nor of his handsome, open, ingenuous countenance, or his candid blue eye, or his thick curly hair. No; what won my heart […]

A Repentant Sinner

Story type: Literature

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It was, I believe, mainly as a compliment to me that Miss Audrey Liston was asked to Poltons. Miss Liston and I were very good friends, and my cousin Dora Polton thought, as she informed me, that it would be nice for me to have someone I could talk to about “books and so on.” […]

Marriage By Compulsion

Story type: Literature

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“It is a most anxious thing to be an absolute ruler,” said Duke Deodonato, “but I have made up my mind. The Doctor has convinced me [here Dr. Fusbius, Ph. D., bowed very low] that marriage is the best, noblest, wholesomest, and happiest of human conditions.” “Your Highness will remember—-” began the President of the […]

Which Shall It Be?

Story type: Literature

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It was a charmingly mild and balmy day. The sun shone beyond the orchard, and the shade was cool inside. A light breeze stirred the boughs of the old apple tree under which the philosopher sat. None of these things did the philosopher notice, unless it might be when the wind blew about the leaves […]

There was once–the date is of no moment–a Sultan, and he had a Vizier named Ashimullah. This minister was a wise man, much trusted by his master; but he was held in some suspicion and dislike at the court because he had been born–or, if that be doubtful, had at least been bred–a Christian, and […]

It was a charmingly mild and balmy day. The sun shone beyond the orchard, and the shade was cool inside. A light breeze stirred the boughs of the old apple-tree under which the philosopher sat. None of these things did the philosopher notice, unless it might be when the wind blew about the leaves of […]