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65 Works of Anonymous

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“Horry! I am sick to death of it!” There was a servant in the room gathering the tea-cups; but Lady Betty Stafford, having been brought up in the purple, was not to be deterred from speaking her mind by a servant. Her cousin was either more prudent or less vivacious; he did not answer on […]

After several years’ service on the staff of a great daily newspaper in San Francisco, Gerald Ffrench returned to his home in Ireland to enjoy a three months’ vacation. A brief visit, when the time consumed in traveling was deducted, and the young journalist, on this January afternoon, realized that it was nearly over, and […]

The Lost Boy

Story type: Literature

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Oh! Mother! just look at this picture. Is that boy dead, or only asleep. I think, my child, that he is numb with cold. He has lost his hat, and looks helpless and sad. But this good dog has found him, and is going to carry him home. Mother, where did he find the boy? […]

Mary Musgrave

Story type: Literature

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“Nine carets ef it’s a blessed one.” “Scale ‘im, an’ ye’ll find he’s a half better. Clear es a bottle o’ gin, an’ flawless es the pope! Tommy Dartmoor, ye’re in luck, s’ welp me never ef ye ain’t, an’ that’s a brilliant yer can show the polis an’ not get time fer.” Tommy Dartmoor, […]

Horror: A True Tale

Story type: Literature

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I was but nineteen years of age when the incident occurred which has thrown a shadow over my life; and, ah me! how many and many a weary year has dragged by since then! Young, happy, and beloved I was in those long-departed days. They said that I was beautiful. The mirror now reflects a […]