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5 Works of Anne P. L. Field

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The Christmas fires brightly gleam And dance among the holly boughs, The Christmas pudding’s spicy steam With fragrance fills the house, While merry grows each friendly soul Over the foaming wassail bowl. Resplendent stands the glitt’ring tree, Weighted with gifts for old and young, The children’s faces shine with glee, And joyous is each tongue, […]

When the stars of morning sang Long ago, Sweet the air with music rang Through the snow, There beside the mother mild Slept the blessed Christmas child,— Slumber holy, undefiled— Here below. When the wise men traveled far Through the night, Following the guiding star Pure and bright, Lo! it stood above the place Sanctified […]

O pulsing earth with heart athrill With infinite creative will! O watchful shepherds in whose eyes Sweet hopes and promises arise! O angel-host whose chanting choir Proclaims fulfillment of desire! O flaming star so purely white Against the black Judean night! O blessed Mary bending low With sense of motherhood aglow! O holy Babe with […]

In the hush of a shivery Christmas-tide dawn Sing hey! sing ho! heigho! Three small frozen figures hung stiff and forlorn Sing hey! sing ho! heigho! Three dim ghostly forms in the glimmering gray Locked up in dark cold storage quarters were they Awaiting the coming of glad Christmas day Sing hey! sing ho! heigho! […]

Twas the night after Christmas in Santa-Claus land And to rest from his labors St. Nicholas planned. The reindeer were turned out to pasture and all The ten thousand assistants discharged till the fall. The furry great-coat was laid safely away With the boots and the cap with its tassel so gay, And toasting his […]