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2 Works of Anna Seward

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The Future, and its gifts, alone we prize, Few joys the Present brings, and those alloy’d; Th’ expected fulness leaves an aching void; But HOPE stands by, and lifts her sunny eyes That gild the days to come.–She still relies The Phantom HAPPINESS not thus shall glide Always from life.–Alas!–yet ill betide Austere Experience, when […]

By Derwent’s rapid stream as oft I stray’d, With Infancy’s light step and glances wild, And saw vast rocks, on steepy mountains pil’d, Frown o’er th’ umbrageous glen; or pleas’d survey’d The cloudy moonshine in the shadowy glade, Romantic Nature to th’ enthusiast Child Grew dearer far than when serene she smil’d, In uncontrasted loveliness […]