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3 Works of Amelie Rives

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HUMFREY LEMON, meeting Bered Turnip, before the “Red Deer,” doth speak as follows: * * * * * Whom have we here? Well, well, by my troth! ’tis none other than Bered Turnip, the farrier, as I do live! Come for an alms-drink, comrade. Would I had as many gold-pieces as we have burnt alnights […]

Time. –A bitter January night in the year ofGrace 1669. Scene. –Sunderidge Castle–The great hall–Amonstrous fire burning in the big fireplace–NurseCrumpet discovered seated on a settle–At hereither knee lean the little Lady Dorothy and herbrother, the young Earl of Sunderidge, LordHumphrey Lennox. Nurse Crumpet. –Nay, now, Lady Dorothy, why wilt thou be at the pains […]

A Brother To Dragons

Story type: Literature

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I. IN the year of grace, 1586, on the last day of the month of May, to all who may chance to read this narrative, these: I will first be at the pains of stating that had it not been for Marian I had never indited these or any other papers, true or false. Secondly, […]